The full name of the ghost who lives upstairs
Olive C. Spence
The house number
The name of Seymour's cat
This hits Ignatius on the foot and sends him to the hospital
A chandelier
Novels written only through letters are called this
The full name of Ignatius's publisher
Paige Turner
Seymour's Age
Seymour's first rule
You will not tell me when I have to go to bed
Ignatius's first rule
You will not bother me while I'm writing
Olive could not stop haunting the house until...
one of her books got published
The name of the city and state in which the book takes place
Ghastly, Illinois
The amount of Ignatius's advance for his new book
Where did Seymour's parents go?
The amount of the check Ignatius sent to buy the house
Olive Spence holds this record in the Guinness Book of World Records
The person receiving the most rejection slips in history
The name of the real estate company
Proper Properties
The amount of money Ignatius owes his lawyer
What do Seymour's parents do for a living
Paranormal researchers
The name of the series Ignatius is writing
Ghost Tamer
The number of rooms in the mansion
The name of the hotel where Seymour's parents are
Hotel de Sens
The cost of the morning edition of The Ghastly Times
The amount of money Seymour has saved to buy the house
$36.75 OR 67.50
The number of stitches Ignatius got
10 - 4 on the left foot and 6 on the right
Anita Sales's favorite Ghost Tamer book
Bartholomew Brown: Have You Met the Ghost Tamer?