What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be called on.
What should you bring with you to class?
Instrument (and supplies).
Charged Ipad.
How should you speak to Ms. Dykstra and others in the classroom?
Voice Level 1 or 2. Use kind and respectful words with appropriate tone.
How much time after the 2nd bell do you have to be ready for warm-ups?
2 minutes.
Should students be getting out of their seat between warm-ups/songs?
When are you able to go to the Restroom during class?
Only with permission. *Not during the first or last 10 minutes of class*
How should students walk into the classroom?
Calmly Walking to seat at a voice level 1 or 2
After getting your instrument and music, what should you be doing?
Sitting in your assigned seat, quietly assembling your instrument.
Once warm-ups have started, what is your voice level during rehearsal?
Voice Level 0
What is the voice level between warm-ups/songs?
During the 9-week quarter, how many punches does each student have for RR Passes?
Where should your school binder go?
Neatly under your chair.
Where should your empty case go?
Closed and neatly under your chair.
Describe the proper posture and hand position for your instrument.
The answer Varies depending on instrument.
What should students be doing between Warm-ups/Songs?
Getting music out and mentally reviewing the music.
Key Signature, Time Signature, Accidentals, fingerings, rhythms, dynamics, articulations.
How can I get a good grade in this class?
Participate the ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD with effort and a good attitude.
Focus on Class Standards!!
What are the four things you should do when you enter the classroom?
1. Quietly Get Instrument and Music
2. SIT DOWN in your ASSIGNED Seat
3. Read the board for the day's objective
4. Get ready to warm up
After your instrument is put together, what should you be doing?
1. READ the board.
2. Get warm-up music open
3. Get fingering chart out
4. Double-check any fingerings.
Where should your eyes be during rehearsal?
On your music or on the conductor.
What is Mrs. Dykstra's #1 Rule?
Be on task for the entire 41 minutes of class!
Is gum, candy, food of any kind allowed in my classroom?
How loud should students be talking while getting instruments and binders?
Voice level 1 or 2
Can you eat in the classroom?
What is your Voice Level between warm-ups and clean up?
Voice Level Zero
What are the three things we need to do at the end of class before we can leave?
1. Put Instruments on Shelf.
2. Put Music in Cabinet.
3. Sit back down and participate in the closing activity.
Wait on Ms. Dykstra to dismiss you.