Sleep Skills
Anger Skills
Communication Skills
Thoughts & Feelings

What is something you can do to help yourself if you have scary thoughts at night?

When you're feeling scared and it's making it hard for you to sleep, go on google, find a remote, print it out, write words on it and color it in. Put in things that are funny to laugh when you're scared. 

For example, if you're scared of Lord Voldemort, you can use your remote to imagine that Olaf made a giant fart and melted! Or you can imagine Lord Voldemort turning into a giant PIZZA! He also turns into a huge cookie for dessert!


What is a skill you can use to calm down when you feel angry?

Don't think about a volcano exploding with lava. Think about the coolness of an ice cube in the Arctic. 

If you're thinking hot, angry thoughts, like: "My sister is being so mean! I want to yell at her! Yardeedar!" Instead try to remind yourself of a cool, calm thought, like: "My sister is bothering me, but it's not worth having a whole big fight."

 "And, my sister does make a good coffee cake!"


What is an example of an "I statement" that you can use to express your feelings to others?

1. I felt __________ when _________ happened. 

2. Next, try to ask for what you would like in a calm manner.


What do you call a unicorn with a cold?

Ahh Ahh Achoonicorn!


Can two people be in the SAME situation and have different thoughts?



What can you do if you're trying to fall asleep, but you're tossing and turning in bed for a long time, (15 minutes or more)?

1. Get out of your bed and read until you're sleepy.


Is it bad to feel angry?

No, it's the way your body responds to whatever is bothering you. What matters most is your actions when you're angry. 


Lily is feeling left out by Talya and Sarah. Lily's frustration and sadness are now turning into feelings of anger. How can she express her feelings to Talya and Sarah using an I statement?

I feel sad and angry when you leave me out of something fun. I would like if we could try to play together.


What do you call a ghost with a cold?



1. The dog is scary and is going to attack me!

2. The dog is friendly and we could have fun together.


What is something else you can do to help yourself if you can't fall asleep?

Do an activity like a crossword puzzle, worksheet, or color


What are some of your personal warning signs that show you you're getting annoyed or angry?

1. I don't like to talk

2. I feel grumpy

3. I make fists


What do you call a unicorn that hasn't slept in a thousand years?

A Sleepicorn!


-I'm going to fall!

-I could have fun doing this!


What is something you should try NOT to do when you're having a difficult time falling asleep?

Don't get out of bed to tell your parents! That's not going to help you. Remind yourself that you can do this.

Oh, and don't forget! Get back in bed when you're sleepy!!!


Name 3 coping skills you can use to calm down when you're feeling annoyed or angry

1. Take a break

2. Find a way to calm yourself down

3. Think calm, cool thoughts


What do you call a unicorn with a horn and wings?

A unicorn! Of course! 



What do you call a unicorn with no wings and no horns?

A horse?


What do you call a mermicorn who is out of the ocean?