Understanding dysautonomia
Self Care Tips
Famous Figures with POTS and Long COVID

This is the part of the nervous system responsible for regulating bodily functions like heart rate and blood pressure, which are often affected in dysautonomia.

What is the autonomic nervous system?


This is one of the most common long-term symptoms of long COVID that can impact day-to-day functioning and energy levels.

What is fatigue?

POTS stands for "Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome." This is the medical term for the rapid increase in heart rate when standing up.

What is tachycardia?


A simple, low-impact activity recommended for those with dysautonomia to improve circulation

What is walking or gentle stretching?


This singer and actress has been open about her long COVID symptoms, which have included chronic fatigue.

Who is Olivia Newton John?


Dysautonomia is a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system. It can cause problems in regulating these two essential body functions.

What are heart rate and blood pressure?


People with long COVID can experience cognitive issues, often referred to as this.

What is brain-fog?


People with POTS often experience this feeling when they stand up too quickly or after long periods of standing.

What is dizziness or lightheadedness?


This practice, often suggested for those with long COVID, can help reduce fatigue and increase energy.

What is paced activity or energy conservation?


his British actor from The Hobbit series has publicly discussed his struggle with POTS.

Who is Martin Freeman?


A common symptom of dysautonomia is feeling lightheaded or faint when standing up. This condition is called what?

What is orthostatic hypotension?


This medical condition, which affects breathing and lung function, can continue after an initial COVID infection and may contribute to long COVID.

What is shortness of breath?


In POTS, the heart rate can increase by this many beats per minute within 10 minutes of standing.

What is 30 beats per minute?


A diet high in these two elements helps people with POTS manage symptoms better.

What are salt and fluids?


This author of the Harry Potter series has revealed she had long COVID.

Who is JK Rowling?


This is the name of the disorder that involves a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and leads to symptoms like dizziness, rapid heart rate, and fatigue.

What is dysautonomia?


The World Health Organization defines long COVID as symptoms lasting for this length of time after a person has recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19.

What is 12 weeks or more?


A common treatment for managing POTS symptoms involves increasing fluid and salt intake to help boost this.

What is blood volume?


This mindfulness technique can help manage stress, a trigger for many symptoms in people with POTS and long COVID.

What is deep breathing or meditation?


This professional tennis player, who took a break from competition due to chronic fatigue, has long spoken about her battle with POTS.

Who is Venus Williams?


his is the term for a rapid heartbeat that can occur in dysautonomia, particularly when standing up or after exercise.

What is tachycardia?


This is a common gastrointestinal symptom people with long COVID might experience, impacting the stomach and intestines.

What is nausea or diarrhea?


This condition is often diagnosed alongside POTS, especially in women, and is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

What is fibromyalgia?


This rest strategy involves changing the bodies position to allow for optimal blood flow to the brain.

What is legs elevated positioning?


This famous social media personality and model has used her platform to raise awareness about POTS.

Who is Sophia Bercovitch?