Assessment Process
R t I
Lesson Components
Disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity.
What is Dyslexia (TEC definition)?
At any time that a student continues to struggle with one or more components of reading, schools must collect additional information about the student. This information should include data that demonstrates the student was provided appropriate instruction and documentation of repeated assessments of achievement.
What is the FIRST step in the assessment process for any student exhibiting learning difficulties?
Meeting the academic needs of ALL students through a variety of services containing: 1) high-quality instruction and scientific research-based interventions, 2) Frequent monitoring of student progress, 3) Student response data used for educational decisions
What is Response to Intervention?
Since 1995, students enrolling in public schools in the State of Texas shall be tested for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times in accordance with a program approved by the State Board of Education.
What is the Texas Education Code Sec. 38.003?
Enables students to detect, segment, blend, and manipulate sounds in spoken language.
What is Phonemic Awareness?
1) Difficulty reading real words in isolation, 2) Difficulty accurately decoding nonsense words, 3) Slow, inaccurate, or labored oral reading (lack of reading fluency), 4) Difficulty with learning to spell
What are the primary reading/spelling characteristics of dyslexia?
1) Vision and Hearing screening, 2) Teacher reports of classroom concerns, 3) Samples of school work, 4) Parent conferences, 5) The K-2 reading instrument, 6) Progress reports / Report cards
What is additional information used during the data gathering process before assessing a student for dyslexia?
1) More effective instruction, 2) Increased student achievement, 3) More appropriate LD identification, 4) Increased professional collaboration, 5) Overall school improvement
What are the benefits of RtI?
Outlines the responsibilities of districts in the delivery of services to students with dyslexia.
What is Chapter 19 of the Texas Administrative Code 74.28 (Curriculum Requirements)?
Provides a systematic approach for single word decoding.
What is Phonics?
1) Fails to understand that words come apart, 2) Has difficulty learning the letter names and their corresponding sounds, 3) Has difficulty decoding single words (reading single words in isolation), 4) Has difficulty spelling phonetically
What is the evidence of dyslexia for students in the K through Third Grade age range?
1) Notify parents of proposal to assess student for dyslexia, 2) Inform parents or guardians of their rights under 504, 3) Obtain permission from the parent to assess the student, 4) Assess student, being sure that individuals/professionals who administer assessments have appropriate training
What is the procedure when formal assessment for dyslexia is recommended?
Teachers use high-quality core class instruction aligned with TEKS in which about 80% or more of the students are successful. Screening should be done at the beginning, middle and end of the academic year.
What is Tier 1 of the multi-tiered model?
This "section" created and extended civil rights to people with disabilities. It provided opportunities for children and adults with disabilities in education, employment and various other settings. It established assessment and evaluation standards and procedure for students.
What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?
Uses research-proven directed practice in repeated reading of words, phrases, and passages to help students read newly encountered text more fluently.
What is Fluency?
1) Has a history of reading and spelling difficulties, 2) Avoids reading aloud, 3) Reads most materials slowly, labored and not fluently, 4) may have an inadequate vocabulary, 5) Has difficulty spelling; may resort to using less complicated words in writing that are easier to spell
What is the evidence of dyslexia for students in the 4th grade through High School grade levels?
1) letter knowledge (name and associated sound), 2) reading real and nonsense words in isolation (decoding), 3) reading fluency (both rate and accuracy), 4) reading comprehension, 5) written spelling
What are areas related to reading that should be assessed?
Students who have not responded adequately to Tiers 1 and 2 receive specific, custom-designed individual or small group instruction. 50 minutes per day is recommended in addition to their core instruction.
What is Tier 3 of a multi-tiered model?
This contains the SBOE-approved procedures concerning dyslexia and related disorders. It provides school districts guidelines to follow as they identify and provide services and helps parents understand what their child deserves under Texas law.
What is The Dyslexia Handbook (revised 2007, updated 2010) - Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders?
Features multiple word learning strategies (definitional, structural, contextual) and explicit teaching techniques with application in text.
What is Vocabulary?
1) Developmental auditory imperceptions, 2) Dysphasia, 3) Developmental dysgraphia, 4) Developmental spelling disability, 5) Specific developmental dyslexia
What are Related Disorders?
Vocabulary, Listening comprehension, Oral expression, Written expression, Handwriting, Mathematical reasoning, Intelligence
What are areas that may be assessed in addition to reading based on the student's academic difficulties?
Students are identified for individual or small group intervention in addition to core class instruction. This level includes scientific research-based programs, strategies, and procedures with weekly progress monitoring on target skill(s). It addresses the needs of approximately 10-15% of the students.
What is Tier 2 of a multi-tiered model?
This term that is no longer applicable to STAAR administration. Instead, students with dyslexia may be eligible for a wide range of accommodations on all content areas of the STAAR and STAAR EOC assessments.
What is Dyslexia Bundled Accommodations?
Teaches students to explicitly use and articulate multiple comprehension strategies (i.e. story structure, summarization and comprehension monitoring).
What is Reading Comprehension?