Located in the upper right corner of the atrium. Considered the primary pacemaker of the heart
What is SA Node
Rhythm with regular P Waves followed by QRS with PR interval measuring 0.12-0.2 at a rate of 72
What is Normal Sinus Rhythm
Lead commonly used for routine cardiac monitoring.
What is lead II
Looks like a sinus rhythm, but the PR interval is >0.2
What is Prolonged Conduction (or first degree heart block)?
Extends from the Bundle Branches into the Endocardium and into the myocardial tissue.
What is purkinje fibers
Rhythm with more P waves than QRS, all PR intervals are the same
What is second degree heart block, Mobitz type 2?
30 large boxes horizontally on the rhythm strip
What is 6 seconds?
Pacemaker spikes are not followed by a waveform on the rhythm strip
What is pacemaker failure to capture
Main function is to delay impulses to keep the ventricles from contracting too quickly.
What is the AV node
Regular rhythm with inverted P waves
What is Junctional Rhythm?
0.04 seconds
What is one small box on the rhythm strip?
Wide, bizarre QRS complexes that vary in amplitude and are often associated with hypomagnesemia
What is Torsades De Pointe?
More P waves than QRS, PR interval gets progressively longer, rhythm is irregular
What is Wenckebach (or second degree heart block, Mobitz 1)?
0.12sec to 0.2sed
What is a normal PR interval?
Regular rhythm that has sharkfin-appearing waveforms at a rate of 200-400 with a regular ventricular conduction ratio
What is atrial flutter?
Represents the end of ventricular depolarization and the occurrence of ventricular systole; a change may indicate MI
What is ST segment
Carries atrial impulses from the sinus node to the Left Atrium
What is Bachman's Bundle?
Regular rhythm, no p waves, Wide, bizarre QRS at a rate of 24
What is idioventricular rhythm?
Rhythm is irregular without P waves. An undulating baseline is present.
What is atrial fibrillation?
Represents a total ventricular cycle of depolarization and repolarization
What is the QT Interval?