The main character often does this against those in power.
Rebels; Fights back
Name one handicap that is assigned to a character and why.
Answers will vary
Wall-E, Eve, Captain
This weighs a million tons
Dystopian novels are often set in this time period.
______________ is used to prevent independent thought or to “brainwash” citizens.
Kurt Vonnegut creates conflict in the future by making everyone this
Classify the type of control that is used over the society in Wall-E.
When your computer crashes the night before a major essay is due, and you say, "We have a small problem here."
_______________ is instilled through a threat of __________________
Fear and Violence
We know that Harrison is above average in many ways because he wears a lot of these
What illusion of a perfect society is depicted in this film? What do we see as the drawbacks of this society?
The Cruise Ship Lifestyle, Technology all the time, Everyone the same, Being carried around everywhere
Answers will vary (People don't know how to walk, or think for themselves, etc.)
Ralph wakes up late and thinks he is going to be late to school. After rushing around to get dressed, he realizes it is Saturday.
Situational irony
Dystopia is a subset of which genre?
Science Fiction
Society is ____________________ or under prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control
Who is Harrison in conflict with?
*100 Bonus Points for a specific name*
The Government
Diana Moon Glampers- The Handicapper General
What current trend, societal norm, or political system is exaggerated in this film?
Pollution, Too much technology, Laziness
There are this many different types of control found in Dystopian novels. Name three of them.
Corporate, Bureaucratic, Religious, Technological
____________ or any act of _______________ is deemed undesirable or even considered to be a criminal act.
In Harrison Bergeron this is the year.
Explain how information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted. Instead, propaganda (biased or misleading information) is used to control the citizens of society.
Answers will vary
The two classifications of satire. One is more light-hearted and the other is mean-spirited
Horatian and Juvenalian
This is an example of what kind of satirical tool?