This game features an Italian plumber on a quest to save Princess Peach.
Super Mario Bros
Build, battle, and dance in this iconic battle royale game
In which game can you play as global soccer stars like Messi and Mbappé?
This mobile game became famous for its colorful candies and simple swipe mechanics
Candy Crush)
In this sandbox game, Creepers explode near the player
What is the term for a hidden feature or secret message left by developers in a game?
Easter Egg
This block-stacking puzzle game is one of the best-selling games of all time.
In this game, squads fight it out in Verdansk and beyond.
Call of Duty
This basketball sim releases a new edition every year, featuring MyCareer and MyTeam modes
Which game features birds with special abilities like splitting mid-air and dropping bombs
Angry Birds
Which fighting game features characters from franchises like Zelda, Pokémon, and Metroid?
Super Smash Bros
In online gaming, what does the acronym “NPC” stand for?
Non-Playable Character
Which platformer features a character who collects golden rings and faces off against a villain known for his mechanical creations?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Which tactical shooter assigns players to two teams, Attackers and Defenders, and features unique character abilities called "Agent utilities"
Which racing game features items like the Blue Shell and Lightning Bolt?
Mario Kart
Which rhythm-based game requires players to follow choreographed moves to earn points?
Just Dance
In which 2017 game does Link awaken from a 100-year sleep to defeat Calamity Ganon?
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
What year was the original PlayStation console released in North America?
In this game, a power pellet lets you turn the tables on your enemies.
Pac Man
In this game, players sabotage a spaceship while pretending to complete tasks.
Among Us
What motion-based sports game includes multiplayer events like boxing, golf, and baseball?
Wii Sports)
In this cozy life-sim, you owe a never-ending debt to a tanuki named Tom Nook
Animal Crossing
In this user-generated online platform, you can play everything from obstacle courses to role-playing games
What is the name of the in-game virtual currency used in Fortnite for purchasing cosmetic items?
V Bucks
What life simulation game includes a green diamond-shaped icon, known as a “Plumbob,” above characters' heads
The Sims
Which game allows players to purchase properties, plan multi-stage heists, and features an in-game stock market?
Grand Theft Auto V
Which game features competitive play under the "Champions Field" arena, with cars capable of aerial maneuvers and boost management?
Rocket League
Which multiplayer platformer randomly assigns players physics-based mini-games, with a final round often determining the sole winner?
Fall Guys
In which franchise are players tasked with filling a comprehensive regional index while defeating rival trainers and a champion?
What is my name?
Marcelle Kitengie