two kinds of essays
formal and informal
a secondary plot strand that connects in location, time, or theme
What is the POV of "A Miserable Merry Christmas"?
first person
"How to Get Things Done" is considered this because it is a humorous copy of a serious piece of writing
In "A Visit of Charity" the old women are compared to....
animals (sheep and birds)
of the 3 divisions of literature by form, an essay is written in. . . .
the final outcome of a story
denouement or resolution
What is the POV in which the narrator is outside the story and "knows all"?
3rd person omniscient
Leaves turn color in the fall because they lose what?
Who narrates "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"?
Dr. Watson, Holmes' friend and companion
an essay that has an impersonal, authoritative voice and serious tone
When Helen visits Holmes to tell her story is what part of the plot?
inciting incident
What is the POV where the narrator is outside the story but inside the head of only one character?
3rd person limited omniscient
Ackerman uses phrases like this throughout her essay: "sugar maple closing up shop" and "sunlight rules most things with its golden edicts"
What woke Julia in the night in "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"?
a whistling sound
Which essay in unit 6 is considered a formal essay?
"Why the Leaves Turn Color in the Fall"
the crisis of "A Miserable Merry Christmas"
when Lennie finds his stocking empty (could also say and no gifts for him under the tree)
What is the POV of "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"?
first person
the best term to describe the title of "A Miserable Merry Christmas"
What symbol is found at the end of "A Visit of Charity"?
a red apple
what typically can an essay be about?
anything (or any non fiction topic)
When Holmes and Watson enter Roylott's room, find him dead, and cage the snake, what part of the plot is this?
falling action
What is the POV of "A Visit of Charity"?
3rd person limited omniscient
Name the 2 types of irony in "How to Get Things Done".
verbal and structural
the main conflict of "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"
man vs man