Can you be baptized more than once?
Name at least 3 ordained ministry titles.
Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, Pope, Deacon
Common name of matrimony.
Sacrament also called confession.
How many sacraments are there?
Your mission call to evangelization.
Marked forever as Christ’s representative.
Ordained men
Name for the Catholic family.
Domestic church
The name for what the priests asks you to do in atonement for your sins.
Name the two sacraments we receive often.
Eucharist, reconciliation
An outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, sealing you in Christ.
Name of the teaching authority of the church.
The moral virtue that helps us dress, talk and move in appropriate ways.
Through prayer of a priest, the persons soul receives health and strength.
Anointing of the sick
Name the four sacraments that use oil/ chrism.
Baptism, confirmation, holy orders, anointing of the sick.
Place where the blessed sacrament is kept.
Religous communities where some priests live.
Consecrated religious life
Moral virtue that helps us express sexuality in the right way. Being celibate.
Prayer said during reconciliation asking for forgiveness of sins.
Act of contrition
Name the two sacraments that are a vocation.
Holy Orders and Matrimony
The process by which the bread and wine change into the body and blood of Christ.
Name the vows taken by the religious communities.
Poverty, chastity, obedience
The cardinal virtue that helps us use moderation and self control.
Can you receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick with any type of illness?
What sacraments can a deacon perform?
Baptism, Matrimony