Definition: (adjective) friendly, lively, and enjoyable.
Use the word "Assuage" in a sentence.
Assuage (verb) - To make an unpleasant feeling less intense.
Syn: Emerging, New, Beginning
Ant: Established, Old
What is the part of speech of "Expound"?
Expound (verb) - To explain something in great detail.
If an inveterate rule-breaker suddenly tried to assuage their reputation, what steps would they need to take to be truly trusted?
A list of things someone would need to earn forgiveness / display trustworthiness.
Definition: (noun) A powerful or influential person, esp. in business.
Use the word "Munificent" or "Munificence" in a sentence.
Part of Speech must be correct.
Syn: Diverse, Wide-Ranging
Ant: Narrow, Alike, Similar
What is the part of speech of "Avuncular"?
Avuncular (adjective) - Kind and friendly, like an uncle.
If a munificent mogul with an eclectic taste in art wanted to help a city filled with philistines, how could they introduce culture in a way that people would accept?
They would probably need to spend some of their money in advertising, or research, to find ways to relate the diverse/foreign art to the folks in ways they could appreciate.
Definition: (noun) A short, clever, and witty saying or remark.
(Mr. Schafer defined this one wrong yesterday during review, as something that goes on your gravestone, I was thinking of epitaph. But nothing says you couldn't use an epigram as an epitaph!)
Use the word "Inveterate" in a sentence.
Inveterate (adjective) - Having a habit or interest that is unlikely to change.
Syn: Inherent, Innate, Underlying
Ant: Learned, Acquired, Extrinsic
What is the part of speech of "Propitious"?
Propitious (adjective) - Giving a good chance of success; favorable.
Would you rather have an intrinsic understanding of one field, or an eclectic range of many different ones? Which do you think would be the most perspicacious for starting a business?
Answers will vary, but should address the concepts of being really good at one thing, or preferring to have a worldly and diverse range of sources.
Definition: (noun) A person who is indifferent or hostile to culture and the arts.
Use the word "Perspicacious" in a sentence.
Perspicacious (adjective) - Having keen insight and understanding.
Syn: Abomination, Bane, Enemy
Ant: Ally, Love
What is the part of speech of "Munificent"?
Munificent (adjective) - very generous, giving freely.
Generosity / Generousness (nouns) would use "Munificence".
If a convivial, avuncular mentor wanted to help a nascent athlete, how could they expound on the intrinsic importance of practice?
They'd find a way to explain, in detail, to the upcoming athlete the essential nature of working together as a team during practice. They'd need to be Ted Lasso.
Definition: (adjective) Just beginning to exist or develop.
Use the word "Intrinsic" in a sentence.
Intrinsic (adjective) - Belonging naturally; essential.
Syn: Promising, Favorable, Lucky
Ant: Unfortunate, Unlucky, Forboding
What is the part of speech of "Inveterate"?
Inveterate (adjective) - Having a habit or interest that is unlikely to change.
- Good Luck
Give examples of ways a team comprised of a munificent leader, an inveterate rebel, a perspicacious strategist, and an expounding speaker would have different approaches towards assuaging an evil hag into revealing the identity of her anathema?