Theories of Development
Conception through Adolescence
Young and Middle Adults
Older Adults
Geriatric Assessment

How can theories of development guide nurses in providing patient care?

By providing a framework to identify and understand a patient’s expected developmental needs, which may influence nursing interventions


Which reflex is present in infants at birth but normally ceases at 3-4 months old?

The Moro reflex 


Name a common health risk factor for adolescents.

Several correct answers: Substance abuse, sexually transmitted infections, eating disorders, or pregnancy


Name a possible type of elder mistreatment.

Several correct answers: Physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, financial abuse, or emotional abuse 


An 83-year-old woman requires significant assistance after suffering a fall; her adult daughter serves as her primary caregiver. Name a sign of caregiver burnout the nurse should assess for. 

Several correct answers: social isolation/withdrawal, sleep deprivation, fatigue, excessive anxiety/stress, or depression 


What are the four periods of cognitive development, according to Piaget?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational


When educating a new mother on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), what is an action the nurse would likely recommend as a safeguard?

Several correct answers: Placing the baby on their back for sleep, providing a flat sleep surface, ensuring an appropriate room temperature, or removing smothering hazards such as stuffed animals


During which developmental period does reproduction become possible?



What are the three common conditions affecting geriatric cognition?  (Hint: “The Three Ds”)

Delirium, dementia, and depression


Name an environmental hazard a nurse should ask about during a functional assessment of a geriatric patient's living situation.

Several correct answers: Poor/low lighting, loose rugs, hallway obstructions, loose cords on the floor, lack of grab bars in the shower, or low toilet seats


Name the Freudian concept of the part of the mind where primitive, basic instinctual impulses are driven to achieve pleasure, evident in a patient who demands immediate need fulfillment.

The id


What is the most important action a nurse should take immediately after the birth of an infant?

Opening and maintaining the infant's airway


What age range is considered to fall within the period of emerging adulthood?

18-25 years of age


What condition is the leading cause of death among older adults?

Heart disease


Which assessment tool helps classify geriatric patients who are at risk for losing their ability to perform ADLs during or after hospitalization?

Hospital Admission Risk Profile (HARP)


A pediatric nurse is caring for a 4-year-old girl. The nurse would expect the child’s intellectual capabilities to be in line with which stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development?

Preoperational stage


What timeframe is considered the neonatal period of life?

The first 4 weeks (28 days) of life


What is the leading cause of death in adolescents?

Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs)


Name a strategy a nurse would be discouraged from using when educating geriatric patients. 

Several correct answers: Providing several topics of discussion at once, speaking too quickly, failing to create a low-distraction environment, or speaking in a high-pitched voice 


When assessing a geriatric patient's ability to function independently, a nurse should determine which activities of daily living (ADLs) they are able to perform. Name one ADL. 

Several correct answers: Eating/feeding, bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, walking, using stairs, or transferring


Based on the industry vs. inferiority stage of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, how can a nurse help support a 10-year-old boy during his stay in the hospital?  

By providing opportunities for learning and achievement, as well as by acknowledging his accomplishments because children in this stage thrive with praise and are eager to feel productive, apply themselves, and develop new skills


What is the recommended weight gain during pregnancy for a woman of normal weight (BMI 18.5 - 24.9)?

25 to 35 pounds


Most young adults are done physically growing by what age?

Age 20


When caring for a patient with dementia, maintaining what aspect of their daily life is crucial?

Maintaining a routine


What was the Lawton IADL scale originally developed for?  

To assess and determine a person's ability to perform the basic tasks usually required to live independently