What are the physical properties of matter?
Solids, Liquids & gases
As it relates to Practical Firemanship, name one of the best information-gathering processes
What is Fire Prevention
Any precautionary activities, aim at stopping the outbreak of a fire, early detection and installation of fire protection.
Name the four forms of heat sources
Chemical heat energy
Electrical heat energy
Mechanical heat energy
Nuclear heat energy
As it relates to Practical Firemanship, what does the acronym COAL means?
Construction, Occupancy, Apparatus and personnel, Life hazard
Heat flowing away from the source of heat to low temperature region is called?
What is First Attendance? The first appliances to respond to the initial call are termed collectively as the
first attendance”.
Heat transmission occurs when-------------, ------------- -------------- takes place.
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
A continuous evaluation of all facts that have an impact on operations
The fire tetrahedron constitutes, Ful Oxygen, Heat and………..
Chemical Chain Reaction