Abu Bakr(RA)
Ramadan falls on which month in the Islamic lunar year
How many faraid of Wudu
Who was his wife?
Khadijah Radi allahu anhu
Should we be celebrating birthdays extravagently?
No(it is disliked)
Who was the fourth khalifah?
Ali RA
How much Quran should we aim to read during ramadan(at least)
1 quran
Does wudu count in the swimming pool?
At what age did he sallalahualyhiwasalam receive prophethood?
age 40
Whats the name of the 2 eids
Eid al fitr, Eid al adha
Who conquered Constantinople?
Mehmed the second of the ottoman empire
What day of February does Ramadan start on?
What is it called when you do wudu without water
At what age did the prophet sallalahualayhiwasalam pass away?
eid al adha
Who first reconquered Jerusalem after the crusades
Salah ad din(ayyubid empire)
How many rakah of taraweeh are there(2 answers)
How many total fardh rakahs are there in a day?
What was Ali RA to the prophet(2 links)
Cousin and son in law
on which Eid do you sacrifice a animal
Eid al adha
What was the longest Islamic empire and who founded it?
Ottoman empire, Founded by Osman Gazi
What Eid comes after ramadan
Eid al fitr
What are the faraid of salah
Takbir tahrimah,
Qada aakhirah
What was the first surah of the Quran to be revealed?
How should an animal be slaughtered
3 of the 4 pipes should be cut whilst saying Allah's name(hanafi fiqh)