Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4

Is amputating the wrong leg a medical/skill error or an organizational/human error?

Organizational/human error


Define personality ?

Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic pattern of thought, emotion, and behavior. Creates people’s social reputation - the way they are perceived by friends, family, coworkers and supervisors


What is motivation?

Motivation is a set of energetic forces that determine the direction, intensity, and persistence of an employees work effort


Define leadership

The use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement


What is organizational behavior?

O.B. is the field of behavioural science devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations


What is evidence-based management?

Basing managerial decisions and organizational practices on empirical data and scientific evidence.


Name at least one of the four types of preference in the MBTI test

Extraversion/Introversion, sensing / intuition, Thinking/feeling, judging/perceiving


What is the expectancy theory?

Effort leads to performance. Performance leads to reward. And Reward leads to personal goals


Name 2 of the 4 styles of leadership

democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire, transformational


Which personality trait has been proven to be significantly correlated across pairs of identical twins which is attributed to nature, not nurture?



What is a drawback to outcome-based teams?

May decrease feelings of fairness among members.


Name at least  three of the five factor models of personality

Openess to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neurotiscism 


What is the self determination theory?

The self determination theory states that people prefer to feel like they have control over their actions, so anything that makes a task feel like an obligation will undermine intrinsic motivation


name a job/workplace that benefits from an autocratic style of leader

military, teachers, (anything high-stress/structure)


Can leaders be trained to be more effective, yes or no? Explain

Research suggest that training programs focused on transformational leadership content can be effective. Extra: Results of study indicated that managers who attended session were described as more transformational by employees, as well as, employees rated higher levels of organisational commitment and branches experienced better performance in terms of credit card sales and personal loan sales.


Mention two scientific tools of an O.B. researcher.

Observation, Interviews, Surveys, Experiments, Meta-analyses


 In debates about nature versus nurture, what is the commonly estimated proportion that genetics, or "nature," contributes to shaping personality?

Estimated 40-60%


What are some unexpected consequences of giving out incentives?

  • People may lose intrinsic motivation

  • Employees might focus on tasks to get bonuses and focus on their own interests

  • People might exploit the incentives ( example of the rat problem in hanoi)

  • Lower quality performance

  • Equity issue


which leadership style creates the most intrinsic motivation?



Explain Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence through the lens of motivation

Effort to performance (expectancy); Performance to reward (instrumentality); Rewards to personal goals (valence)


Give an example of a third-variable problem (that hasn’t been mentioned in the lecture) and explain it.

(Correct if listed two variables that seem correlated and the underlying variable that causes the two)


Explain the Holland Riasec model

Suggests that interests can be summarized by six different personality types, Realistic,investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional  are the 6 different personality types


Explain Hedonic Adaptation

Tendency for humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes due to the psychological immune system


name 2 disadvantages to the laissez-faire style of leadership

low productivity due to not having guidance, low satisfaction/motivation because their boss doesn't seem to care...


What is the formula for dissatisfaction?

(Vwant - Vhave) x Vimportance