Author's Purpose/Craft
Making Connections
Revision and Editing

An author's purpose is his ____ for or ___ in writing.



Which organization pattern is mostly closely related to making connections in texts?

a. Problem/Solution

b. Compare/Contrast

c. Cause/Effect

d. Sequence/Chronological

b. Compare/Contrast


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What can you infer about how Alex is feeling?

a. Excited

b. Exhausted

c. Panicked

d. Hysterical

c. Panicked


Topic sentence: First, woodworking gives someone a sense of accomplishment and ease any negative feelings they may be experiencing.

Which of the following sentences would best support the topic sentence?

a. The act of shaping, carving, and crafting wood has long been considered both an art and a craft. 

b. From intricate carvings to sturdy furniture pieces, woodworking allows for boundless creativity and self-expression. 

c. But beyond the physical creation of beautiful objects, woodworking offers a host of therapeutic benefits that contribute to its enduring appeal. 

d. Working with wood provides an opportunity for stress relief, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction in creating something tangible with your own hands.

e. The natural texture and aroma of wood add to the sensory experience of woodworking, making it a deeply fulfilling activity for many enthusiasts.

d. Working with wood provides an opportunity for stress relief, relaxation, and a sense of satisfaction in creating something tangible with your own hands.


What change needs to be made in sentence 2, line 7?

Wolfgang is the biggest attraction of London’s social season.

A. remove the apostrophe in London

B.change biggest to most biggest 

C.change Wolfgang to Wolf gang

D. No change

D. No change


A five paragraph essay where a student argues that people should recycle and not litter

a. describe

b. inform

c. entertain

d. persuade

d. persuade


How does the language in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the excerpt from

“The City Lost in the Snow” DIFFER from the language in lines 1

through 9 of the poem “London Snow”?

A The language in the excerpt emphasizes the surprise of a character, while the language in the poem suggests the sadness of the speaker.

B The language in the excerpt conveys the fear of a character, while the language in the poem reveals the excitement of the speaker.

C The language in the excerpt conveys the enthusiasm of a character, while the language in the poem reveals the calmness of the speaker.

D The language in the excerpt emphasizes the objectivity of a character, while the language in the poem suggests the bias of the speaker.

C The language in the excerpt conveys the enthusiasm of a character, while the language in the poem reveals the calmness of the speaker.


Rachel climbed under the covers and got out her cell phone. Before she knew it, the clock read 11pm! As she heard someone walking towards her room, she quickly turned off her phone and pretended to snore. What can you infer about Rachel?

a. She is worried someone is breaking into her house.

b. Her daughter is having a nightmare.

c. She still lives with her parents.

d. Her phone has died.

c. She still lives with her parents.


Topic sentence: Furthermore, social media is having a terrible impact on teens today.

Which of the following sentences would best support the topic sentence?

a. The concern, and the studies, come from statistics showing that social media use in teens ages 13 to 17 is now almost ubiquitous.

b. Two-thirds of teens report using TikTok, and some 60 percent of teens report using Instagram or Snapchat, a 2022 survey found. (Only 30 percent said they used Facebook.)  

c. Another survey showed that girls, on average, allot roughly 3.4 hours per day to TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, compared with roughly 2.1 hours among boys.

d.  At the same time, more teens are showing signs of depression than ever, especially girls.

d.  At the same time, more teens are showing signs of depression than ever, especially girls.


 What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 1 in line 30?

The musical establishment requires verifable proof regarding the child’s abilities. 

A.verifable to verifiable 

B.change child's to childs'

C. change abilities to ability

D.No change

A.verifable to verifiable


Using Villages From the Sky 

Which statement best expresses the thesis of the excerpt? 

A.Ancestral Puebloans were attracted to the cliffs of Colorado centuries ago.

B.Ancestral Puebloans left behind the ruins of their communities in the cliffs.

C.Ancestral Puebloans were innovators who created a flourishing civilization. 

D.Ancestral Puebloans lived in complex communities in southwestern Colorado. 

C.Ancestral Puebloans were innovators who created a flourishing civilization. 


 Which sentence best expresses a SIMILARITY between the excerpt

from “The City Lost in the Snow” and the poem “London Snow”?

A Newly fallen snow can bring a welcome change to everyday life.

B Forces in nature can be hostile and compel people to work harder.

C Nature constantly reminds people that progress is only an illusion.

D Heavy snowfall isolates people from one another.

A Newly fallen snow can bring a welcome change to everyday life.


Lauren worried when she handed it over to her mom. She carefully watched mom looking over the paper, and a feeling of relief swept over her and smile spread across mom's face. Mom said "let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" Which of the following is most likely on the paper?

a. A bill for a broken window

b. Suspension paperwork from Lauren’s school

c. Coupons for free pizza

d. Her report card

d. Her report card


 Topic sentence: A major reason why Michael Jordan is considered the greatest basketball player of all time is the fact that he is always compared to all modern stars.  

Which of the following sentences would best support the topic sentence?

a. MJ is the standard for greatness in the NBA that all players are measured against.
b. Some fans will say that only a few have reached the plateau of His Airness.
c. Some will say that no player has ever reached his level.
d. There is some merit to that latter argument.
e. Even if you take away all of Jordan's success on the court, his influence on the game and in pop culture is undeniable.
f. Very few NBA stars can say that they are a global cultural icon.

a. MJ is the standard for greatness in the NBA that all players are measured against.


What is the most effective transition to add to the beginning of sentence 3 in the following? (300)

Wolfgang is the biggest attraction of London’s social season. They are coming to us now. We must astound them. And take them for every pence they are worth.

A    Thus

B    Therefore

C    However 

D   Moreover

B. Therefore


 Using Villages From the Sky 

Which quotation from the excerpt best supports the conclusion that the Ancestral Puebloans made efficient use of limited resources?

A.The low height of the doorways indicates that people then were shorter than they are today. (paragraph 4)

B.However, the farmers were expert in dryland farming, creating check dams and channels to direct rainwater to their crops. (paragraph 10)

C.Now the Ancestral Puebloans no longer lived on top of the mesa. (paragraph 12)

D.Around 1270, the Ancestral Puebloans left Mesa Verde, although we are not entirely sure why they left. (paragraph 13) 

B.However, the farmers were expert in dryland farming, creating check dams and channels to direct rainwater to their crops. (paragraph 10)


Read these quotations from the excerpt from “The City Lost in the Snow” and the poem “London Snow.”

He opened the window: the city was gone; it had been replaced by a white sheet of paper. (paragraph 1 of “The City Lost in the Snow”)

Hiding difference, making unevenness even, (line 8 of “London Snow”)

What does the imagery in BOTH quotations suggest?

A A heavy snowfall affects everyone in a city equally.

B A heavy snowfall can be destructive to city landmarks.

C A heavy snowfall can transform the appearance of a city.

D A heavy snowfall provides opportunities to everyone in a city.

C A heavy snowfall can transform the appearance of a city.


Kelly's handmade signs make Roger nervous, because they seem more honest and down-to-earth. Although his signs are really nice and professional, it's also obvious that they cost money. Roger feels like the students don't relate to him. He wants the other students to think he's just like them, so he organizes a barbecue during school lunch hours with free hot dogs, but no one attends. 

What can be inferred about why Roger’s hot dog plan didn’t work?

a. Roger left the hot dogs in his car all night.

b. Kelly persuaded the Harrison brothers to lie for her. 

c. Roger wasn’t effective at marketing his bbq.

d. Kelly convinced everyone to become a vegetarian.

c. Roger wasn’t effective at marketing his bbq.


  Topic sentence: A vital reason young people should avoid drug use is the likelihood the user will become addicted to the substance.

Which of the following sentences would best support the topic sentence?

a. Most kids grow dramatically during the adolescent and teen years.
b. Their young brains, particularly the prefrontal cortex that is used to make decisions, are growing and developing, until their mid-20’s.
c. Long-term drug use causes brain changes that can set people up for addiction and other problems.
d. Once a young person is addicted, his or her brain changes so that drugs are now the top priority.
e. He or she will compulsively seek and use drugs even though doing so brings devastating consequences to his or her life, and for those who care about him.

e. He or she will compulsively seek and use drugs even though doing so brings devastating consequences to his or her life, and for those who care about him.


 What is the BEST option for combining sentences in line 71 without losing the meaning and accuracy?

He is undisciplined, impulsive. His music will be lost if I am not in control of him. 

A. Because he is undisciplined, impulsive his music will be lost and I am not in control of him.

B. He is undisciplined, impulsive, and his music will be lost if I am not in control of him. 

C. If I am not in control of him, his music will be lost because he is undisciplined and impulsive.

D. Unless I am in control of him, his music will be lost for he is undisciplined, impulsive.

C. If I am not in control of him, his music will be lost because he is undisciplined and impulsive.


Using Villages From the Sky 

Why does the author most likely include the illustrations in the excerpt? 

Select TWO correct answers. `

A.To explain how the Ancestral Puebloans used different resources 

B.To show how the Ancestral Puebloans designed and built structures 

C.To demonstrate the challenges of building dwellings in the cliff 

D.To show how the different parts of the cliff dwellings fit together 

E.To contrast different types of buildings built by the Ancestral Puebloans 

B.To show how the Ancestral Puebloans designed and built structures 

E.To contrast different types of buildings built by the Ancestral Puebloans  


What is the DIFFERENCE in the way the newly fallen snow affects the working men in the excerpt from “The City Lost in the Snow” and the working men in the poem “London Snow”?

A While the laborers in the excerpt compete for scarce jobs shoveling the snow, the laborers in the poem feel that the snow has made their work much harder.

B While the laborers in the excerpt feel overwhelmed by the increased workload due to the snow, the laborers in the poem trudge through the snow without noticing it.

C While the laborers in the excerpt worry about the monumental task of shoveling the snow, the laborers in the poem think of the snow as a part of their daily struggles.

D While the laborers in the excerpt appreciate opportunities brought by the snow, the laborers in the poem find the snow a short distraction from the drudgery of their day.

D While the laborers in the excerpt appreciate opportunities brought by the snow, the laborers in the poem find the snow a short distraction from the drudgery of their day.


Lucy just moved into her new home. Every Saturday morning, she looks outside and sees a tall man carrying a kayak, and a woman putting on a bicycle helmet. Her neighbors are gone for many hours during the day. Lucy can conclude that...

a. Her neighbors enjoy spending time outside.

b. Her neighbors are very kind.

c. Her neighbors are excited to meet her.

d. Her neighbors do not like Lucy.

a. Her neighbors enjoy spending time outside.


   Topic sentence: Lastly, pollution is awful and has far-reaching effects.  

Which of the following sentences would best support the topic sentence?

a.  Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
b.  These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash.
c.  They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories.
d.  Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.

d.  Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.


Combine the following sentences in line 70 into a compound-complex sentence.

You don’t see it anymore. I’ve watched it happen. Every day he slips further away from you. He needs you just to be his Poppa.

Answers may vary. Points will be awarded on clarity and correctness.