The pronouciation difference between "tree" and "three".
(Definition or exemples both work)
What is rolling your tongue to pronounce "three" and sticking it on the roof ofyour mouth for "tree"?
The word "Pelleter" in English?
What is shovel?
The name of this person.
Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
The grammatical person that ad -s or -es to the base form of the verb.
What is third person?
The name of the four seasons.
What is Summer, Autumn (or Fall), Winter and Spring?
Two exemple of verbs in the past tense where -ed is pronounce like /t/.
What is...
worked, dropped, finished, divorced, stopped, laughed, coughed, watched, etc.
Près du ruisseau, j'entendais un bruit familier.
...En anglais
The things that these four guys share, apart from appearing in superhero movies.
What is they are all named Chris?
The simple past equivalent of "I think".
What is "I thought"?
This word is often confused with the word "vegetable" and means a person is being awake without showing signs of cognitive fonctions.
The right way to pronounce "variety".
Exemple: A variety of product come from China.
What is "variety"?
Une expression commune Anglaises qui est composé de mot en Français.
Exemple: Dont you think it's a bit cliché?
What is...
The part of the human body in this picture.
What is an elbow?
Im out of idea!
The first person to buzz gets to choose between earning 300 points or stealing 200 points from someone.
Nice choice!
The definition "I digress".
Exemple: I could talk about my dog for an hour, but I digress.
What is realizing you've been rambling about something that diverted from the main subject of what you were saying to begin with?
The right way to pronounce this word:
What is Worcestershire?
There is no point in trying, if you're not giving it your best shot!
... In French
What is "Il ne sert à rien d'essayer, si vous ne faites pas de votre mieux!" ?
The name the internet gave to this guy.
Who is hide the pain Harold?
Fun fact, he was featured last year in the front page of "Le journal de Quebec"
3 modal verbs.
What is...
can, could, may, might, will, shall, would, should, must and ought.
The difference between "demand" in English and "demande" in French.
What is one is an order and the other is just asking for something?
The right way to pronounce this word:
(No need to buzz, you'll take turns)
"J'ai eu une impression de déjà vu, hier, lorsque les mariés ont échangés leurs vœux."
...En anglais
What is "I had a feeling of déjà vu yesterday when the bride and groom exchanged their vows."?
Name me 1 thing in this picture
What is nothing?
This image was said to be the visual representation of having a stroke because of the fact that you feel like you can recognize something but your brain can't figure out what, spooky right?
It was later reveal that it was just the result of a clever mix of images using a program.
What is the future progressive tense of "She Writes".
What is "She will be writing"?
A person that practice tighrope walking
Who is a funambulist?