Word Choice/Choix de mots
Word Pairs/Paires de mots
Multiple Choice/Choix multiple

This word is a synonym for the word tired. 

Sleepy, exhausted, etc. 



How is the word hot related to the word cold? (Are they antonyms, synonyms, homophones, or homographs?)

They are antonyms.

Ce sont des antonymes, opposés l’un à l’autre


Come up with a sentence for each of the following words:

1. Bat (the animal)

2. Bat (for baseball)

Answers vary, but words should be used correctly in sentences. 


Which word is an antonym for empty?

a. Full

b. Deserted

c. Hollow

a. Full

a. Complet


This word is an antonym for full. 

Empty, hungry, etc. 

Vide, affamé


How is the word chilly related to the word cold? (Are they antonyms, synonyms, homographs, or homophones?)

They are synonyms.

Ce sont des synonymes ; ils ont des significations similaires


What makes these two words homophones instead of homographs?

1. Night 

2. Knight

Homographs are spelled the same. 

Les homographes s’écrivent de la même manière


Which word is a synonym for the word small?

a. Long

b. Tiny

c. Big

b. Tiny

b. Minuscule


This word is a synonym for the word chef.

Cook, baker, etc. 

Un cuisinier


How is the word sweet related to the word sour? (Are they synonyms, antonyms, homophones, or homographs?)

They are antonyms.

Ce sont des antonymes, opposés l’un à l’autre


Is the word red a homograph for this word?

1. Read

No, it is a homophone because they sound the same. 

Non, c’est un homophone parce qu’ils sonnent de la même manière.


How are the words paws and pause related?

a. Homographs

b. Synonyms

c. Homophones

c. Homophones

c. Homophones


What word is a homophone for the word ate? Use that word in a sentence.

The correct word is eight. Sentences may vary.

Le mot correct est huit. Les peines peuvent varier.


How are the words night and knight related? (Are they antonyms, synonyms, homophones, or homographs?)

They are homophones.

Ce sont des homophones. Ils sonnent de la même manière en anglais


What are two different ways to use this word:

1. Close

Close as in closing a door, and close as in a person standing close to you

Fermez-vous comme si vous fermiez une porte, et fermez-vous comme si une personne se tenait près de vous


What word is a homograph of bow?

a. Boat

b. Tie

c. Bow

c. Bow

c. Nœud


What word is a homograph for the word read used here?

1. I read my favorite book yesterday. 

Read, as in "I like to read new books."

Lisez, comme dans "J’aime lire de nouveaux livres."


How are bow in sentence 1 and bow in sentence 2 related?

1. I tied a bow in my hair.

2. I did a bow to the audience after I finished singing.

They are homographs.

Ce sont des homographes


What is the difference between a homophone and a homograph?

Homophones sound the same but are spelled differently. But homographs are spelled the same but sound different. 

Les homophones se prononcent de la même manière, mais s’écrivent différemment. Mais les homographes sont orthographiés de la même manière mais sonnent différemment.


What word is a homophone for the word pear?

a. Fruit

b. Pair

c. Peer

b. Pair

b. Paire