CH 1: structure and function of exercising muscle
CH 3: neural control of exercising muscle
CH 2: bioenergetics and muscle metabolism
CH 5: energy expenditure

Muscle-Fascicle-Muscle fiber-Myofibril

Muscle: made up of bundles of fascicles; surrounded by epimysium

Fascicles: made up of muscle fibers; surrounded by perimysium

Muscle fiber: made up of myofibrils; surrounded by endomysium

Myofibril: made up of actin and myosin; divided into sarcomeres


6 steps of an action potential

1. -70 RMP

2. Na channels open, Na moves into the cell

3. Depolarized to 30 mV, Na channels close

4. Repolarized. K= channels open allowing K+ into the cell

5. Hyperpolarization

6. Back to -70 RMP


ATP-PCr fuel/enzymes/rate/energy produced

fuel: Phosphocreatine

Enzymes: creatine kinase

rate: 10 ATP/ second

Energy produced: 1 mol ATP/ 1 mol PCr



Excess Post exercise Oxygen Consumption: occurs when O2 consumed> O2 demand in early recovery

Replenishes ATP/PCr stores, converts lactate to glycogen, replenishes hemo/myoglobin, Clears CO2


Role of Ca/Ach in muscle contraction/action potential

Ca: Binds to troponin and enables actin-myosin contraction

Ach: Binds to Ach receptors which opens up sodium channels, allowing Na+ into the cell which triggers an action potential


6 steps of a muscle contraction

1. AP starts in the brain

2. AP arrives at axon terminal, releases Ach

3. Ach crosses synapse and binds to receptors

4. AP travels down T-tubules

5. Ca is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

6. Ca enables actin-myosin contraction


Motor unit

A muscle neuron and the fibers that innervates it


Glycolysis fuel/enzymes/rate/energy produced

fuel: Glucose or glycogen

Enzymes: Phosphofructokinase

Rate: 5 ATP/ second

Energy produced: 2 mol (glucose) or 3 mol (glycogen)/ 1 mol substrate


Direct vs Indirect calorimetry

Direct: Estimates total body expenditure based on heat production- substrate metabolism efficiency

Indirect: Estimates total body expenditure based on O2 used and CO2 produced * main method used in lab settings* 


Role of ATP in cross-bridging

Binds to myosin, allowing it to release from the actin filament

Thin and Thick filaments

Thin: Actin: I band: anchored at z disk; contains 3 proteins: Actin, troponin, and tropomyosin

Thick: Myosin: H zone: titan is stabilizer (prevents overstretching); Globular heads: Protrude 360 degrees from thick filament heads, and interacts with actin filaments for contraction 


Size Principle

The order of recruitment is directly related to the size of a motor neuron


Oxidative (carbs) fuel/enzymes/rate/energy produced/steps

fuel: glucose or glycogen

enzymes: Isocitrate Dehydrogenase

Rate: 2.5 ATP/ second

Energy produced: 32 (glucose) or 33 (glycogen)/ 1 mol substrate; NADH and FADH2 is also produced

Steps: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron transport chain


RER and training

RER: Respiratory Exchange Ratio: ratio between rates of CO2 production and O2 usage; predicts substrate use, kilocalories/ O2 efficiency; O2 usage during metabolism depends on the fuel being oxidized ( more carbon atoms in molecules= more O2 needed)

RER CHO=1.0; Fats=0.70

Training allows for: High VO2 max, High lactate threshold (% VO2 max), high economy of effort, high % type 1 fibers- more training allows athlete to compete at a higher percentage of their VO2 max


Na/K pump

When K+ channels open and K+ leaves the cell, it is offset by the Na/K pump; Resting membrane potential is created by the Na/K pump


Role of Actin, Myosin, Troponin, Tropomyosin 

Actin: Contains myosin binding site

Myosin: Interacts with actin filaments for contraction

Troponin: Moves tropomyosin; binds to Ca+

Tropomyosin: Covers active site at rest


Golgi Tendon Organs and Muscle Spindles

GTO: Sensitive to tension; initiate relaxation

Muscle Spindles: Sensitive to stretch; initiate contraction


Oxidative (fats) fuel/enzymes/rate/energy produced/steps

Fuel: triglycerides or Free fatty acids (FFAs)

Enzyme: lipase, Acetyl-CoA

rate: 1.5 ATP/ second

Energy produced: 100+ ATP/ 1 FFA

Steps: dependent on how many carbons on FFA- beta oxidation, krebs cycle, electron transport chain


Kcal- O2L conversion

(Kcal/min)/5= (VO2L/min)


Muscle fiber types 

Type 1: slow-twitch; high oxidative capacity; fatigue resistant; high aerobic endurance; Recruited for low intensity aerobic exercise and daily activities

Type 11a: fast-twitch; poor aerobic endurance; fatigue quickly; used for short/intense endurance; produce more force than T1

Type 11x: fast-twitch; poor aerobic endurance; fatigue quickly; seldom used for daily activities; used for short/explosive sprints; produce more force than T1


Steps of cross bridge/ power stroke

1. Ca binds to troponin

2. Troponin pulls tropomyosin off binding site 

3.  Myosin heads pivot and power stroke

4. Myosin binds to actin


Sympathetic vs Parasympathetic

Sympathetic: Fight or flight; predominate during exercise

Parasympathetic: rest and digest; oppose the effects of the sympathetic nervous system


Time/Duration/ overlap of systems

Time- ATP-PCr: 3-15 seconds; Glycolysis: 15 seconds - 2 minutes; Oxidation (carbs) : 90 minutes; Oxidation (fats) : days

All 3 systems interact for all activities; no one system contributes 100%, but 1 system dominates for a given task

Low intensity exercise (below 60% VO2 max): lipids are primary substrate

High intensity exercise (above 75% VO2 max): Carbs are primary substrate 


VO2, Lactate threshold with training and effects on performance 

Lactate threshold: Point at which blood lactate accumulation increases markedly- lactate production cannot be cleared fast enough- good indicator of potential for endurance athlete

Usually expressed as percentage of VO2 max

Higher lactate threshold=better endurance performance 

For 2 athletes with the same VO2 max, the one with the higher lactate threshold will have better performance


The amount of force exerted during a muscular contraction is dependent on...

Type of motor unit recruited, initial length of the muscle, and the neural stimulation