Let's Get Arty
Wicked Weird
Revenge of the Nerds

This beloved colleague used to build houses for a living, before they got into IT.

Who is Mark Hallo?


This loved colleague purchased their first bubble cup in 2009.

Who is Rob Muresian?


This colleague started their career as a communications engineer, and has worked in different industries including telco, generation, transmission, distribution and retail before finally settling into the finance sector here at Australian Super.

Who is Ming Teh?


This colleague has picked up playing guitar and is able to play chords. They continue to practice so soon enough a new rock star will be born.

Who is Teshan Weerapperuma?


This team member is one of 'the chickens' and must have a clean and tidy desk otherwise they are not able to focus.

Who is Nikki Patel?


This MW colleague designed and created 'worlds' in a Circle MUD (Dungeons  & Dragons) that was secretly hosted on a Latrobe University server for 8 years.

Who is Arielle Pavletic?


This highly skilled Cloud Engineer is an avid gardener and loves to grow fruiting and flowering plants.

Who is Rupesh Nichani?


This Modern Workplace Wonder puts a bar of soap in their bed at night to prevent leg cramps.

Who is Tony Bartley?


This colleague's spare time is a Japanese car enthusiast and has personally imported, owned, driven, worked on, raced and sold off numerous JDM vehicles.

Who is Peter Karcmarczykalphabet?


We have an impostor in our midst! This colleague artfully changed his real name from Hong.

Who is Daniel Tsang?


This energetic team member can complete difficult tasks easily, but sometimes gets stuck with basic ones.

Who is Asad Malik?


This team member is definitely in the 'Clouds', as they used to design aviation RPVs (remote piloted vehicle) in a past life.

Who is Vadood Baksh?


This artsy newcomer loves crocheting & sewing, producing items from clothes to home goods.

Who is Meka Lougoon?


This lovely MW colleague stutters when they have to read aloud in their first language but not in their second language.

Who is Sonia Schiavon?


This super smart Infrastructure team member started their career vas a games tester and has published credits with Atari, Sony, Nintendo and EA Games.

Who is Pavan Reddy?