Physical description and Clothing
Countables and Uncountables
Simple past and
Past progressive
Simple present and
Present progressive

What does she look like?

Open answer.

Suggestion: She is tall and thin, she has short black hair and black eyes. She looks happy.


Complete with: a, an or some.

Do you need ______ dollar? I have _______ money in my pocket.

a / some

Do you need a dollar? I have some money in my pocket.


Is this sentence right or wrong?

I go to the movies last night.


Correction: I went to the movies last night.


Answer the questions:

1 - Do you work at the hospital?

2 - Are you working in the hospital?

Possible answers:

1 - Yes, I work at the hospital.

     No, I don't work at the hospital.

2 - Yes, I'm working in the hospital.

     No, I'm not working in the hospital.


Answer the questions:

What is Homer to Patty?

What is Maggie to Ling?

1 - Brother-in-law

2 - Cousin


What does he look like?

Open answer.

Suggestion: He is medium height and chubby, he has short dark hair and black eyes. He looks serious.


Complete with: a, an or some.

I need _____ strawberries, I want to make ____ cake.

some / a

I need some strawberries, I want to make a cake.


Are these sentences right or wrong?

I slept in my friend's house last weekend. We played a lot.



Answer the questions:

1 - Do you wear perfume?

2 - Are you wearing perfume?

Possible answers:

1 - Yes, I wear perfume.

     No, I don't wear perfume.

2 - Yes, I am wearing perfume.

     No, I am not wearing perfume.


Answer the questions:

1 - What is Herb to Homer?

2 - What is Lisa to Selma?

3 - What is Marge to Ling?

1 - Half-brother

2 - Niece

3 - Aunt


What is he wearing?

Open answer

Suggestion: He is wearing a white shirt, white pants, brown belt and brown shoes. 


Complete with: Much or Many.

How ______ apples do you want?


How many apples do you want?


Is this sentence right or wrong?

We are cooking yesterday and my oven caught fire.


We were cooking yesterday and my oven caught fire.


Correct and answer the question:

1 - Does you study English on weekends?

2 - Do you where study English?

1 - Do you study English on weekends?

Yes, I do.

No, I don't.

2 - Where do you study English?

I study English at CILRF2.


Open answer



What country is this?

People born there are ________.




What does he look like? What is he wearing?

Open answer.

Suggestion: He is tall and thin, he has short brown hair and brown eyes, he has a beard. He looks intelligent.

He is wearing a blue shirt, brown pants and brown shoes.


Complete with: a, an, some, much or many.

How _____ water do you want?

I want _____ glass of water.

Much / a

How much water do you want?

I want a glass of water.


Correct the sentences:

I am sleeping when my mother call me last night.

She wants to talk about my new job.

I was sleeping when my mother called me last night.

She wanted to talk about my new job.


Organize the questions and answer:

CILRF2 / do / when / to / go / you / ?

When do you go to CILRF2?

I go to CILRF2 on tuesdays and thursdays.


I go to CILRF2 on fridays.


Choose the correct option:

The movie was very _______ (excited / exciting / scared / scaring). Everybody was _______ (excited / exciting / scared / scaring).

The movie was very scaring.

Everybody was scared.


What does he look like? What is he wearing?

Open answer.

Suggestion: He is short and slim, he has short brown hair and black eyes, he has a beard. He looks like a teacher.

He is wearing a blue t-shirt, brown blazer, a blue pair of jeans and brown boots.


Complete with: a, an, some, much or many.

How _____ oil does she need?

She needs _____ bottle of oil and _____ rice.

Much / a / some

How much oil does she need?

She needs a bottle of oil and some rice.


Correct the sentences:

I go to that new restaurant last weekend.

I was have fish when Thompson arrive.

He eat with me. The food were delicious.

I went to that new restaurant last weekend.

I was having fish when Thompson arrived.

He ate with me. The food was delicious.


Organize the questions and answer:

1 - do / do / what / you / ?

2 - time / bed / go / to / what / do / you / ?

1 - What do you do?

Open answer

2 - What time do you go to bed?

I go to bed at...


Choose the correct option:

The subject is very _____ (interesting / interested / boring / bored ) but the teacher was _____ (interesting / interested / boring / bored ), so we were all _____ (interesting / interested / boring / bored ) in class.

The subject is very interesting but the teacher was boring, so we were all bored in class.