What did Po throw at the Dragon?
A boomerang
The leader of the Church who lived in Rome, Italy.
The Pope
A rhyme about an attempt to increase taxes on alcohol which was measured in jacks and gills.
Jack and Jill
A group of protestors that are angry and use violence.
Revolt or Rebellion
I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down down down and the flames went higher.
Johnny Cash
Ring Of Fire
What did Wylah use to catch fish when flying with Pippy?
A spear
The only form of Christianity that existed during the Middle Ages.
Roman Catholic
A rhyme about custom tax on wool.
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Three causes of the Peasant Revolt 1381
Poll Tax Wages War with France
The King John Ball
It's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock n roll.
It's A Long Way To The Top
Why did Wylah worry about swimming across the river and walking on the other side?
It is another Tribe's land and she wanted to respect their boundaries
Four roles included in 'the clergy'.
Priest, Bishop, Monk, Nun
A rhyme about a Viking attack or the normal deterioration of an old bridge.
London Bridge is falling down
What happened to Wat Tyler?
His head was cut off, hit and stabbed to death.
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Jerry Lee Lewis
Great Balls Of Fire
What does the word Wungit mean?
Heretics were...
People who did not believe in God.
A rhyme about a group of Protestant bishops who blindly conspired to overthrow Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) and were burned at the stake for their heresy.
Three Blind Mice
King Richard did not keep any promises
Poll Tax was stopped Taxes were never as high
Peasant wages increased
More freedom from Lords (could own their own land)
It's been a hard days night.
The Beatles
Hard Day's Night
What does the word Tiller mean?
Spark of Fire
What factors are evidence that religion had high importance for medieval people?
The size and location of the church building.
The biggest, tallest building situated on the highest point
A Rhyme referring to a rash ring and flowers to cover the smell of death.
Ring a ring a rosie
Who was John Ball and what happened to him after the revolt?
Priest who inspired the peasants through speeches. He was cut into pieces and his head was stuck on a spike.
Beautiful friend this is the end. My only friend, the end, It hurts to set you free but you'll never follow me.
The Doors
The End