Unit 7 動物園やめろ
Unit 8 動物園だいじ
Unit 5 終末期

The animals were chosen (   ) their rarity, strength and exoticism, (   ) (   ) to (a   ) the owner’s status. Today, even though many ancient inventions remain (i   ) use, many more do not. Indeed, as the following arguments show, it would be hard (   ) to (c   ) that the zoo is, in fact, one such (a   ).

The animals were chosen (for) their rarity, strength and exoticism, (as) (if) to (affirm) the owner’s status. Today, even though many ancient inventions remain (in) use, many more do not. Indeed, as the following arguments show, it would be hard (not) to (conclude) that the zoo is, in fact, one such (anachronism).


Animal rights supporters have (d   ) zoo owners (   ) cheap (e   ) and immoral traders of wildlife, and the zoos themselves (   ) prisons.

Animal rights supporters have (denounced) zoo owners (as) cheap (exploiters) and immoral traders of wildlife, and the zoos themselves (as) prisons.



(C   ) are that you've heard about the 'Leaning Tower of Pisa.'

(Chances) are that you've heard about the 'Leaning Tower of Pisa.'


Euthanasia and assisted suicide are often regarded as morally (e   ), although there is a clear practical (d   ), and in some jurisdictions a legal (d   ), between them. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, according to these definitions, are (   ) be distinguished (   ) the withholding or withdrawal of inappropriate, futile or unwanted medical treatment

Euthanasia and assisted suicide are often regarded as morally (equivalent), although there is a clear practical (distinction), and in some jurisdictions a legal (distinction), between them. Euthanasia and assisted suicide, according to these definitions, are (to) be distinguished (from) the withholding or withdrawal of inappropriate, futile or unwanted medical treatment


Some people have suggested that (s   ) many zoo animals today were born in captivity, they do not wish to (l   ) the life of their wild relatives. The (f   ) of this argument, however, is easy to (s  ): have the children of human slaves no interest in freedom?

Some people have suggested that (since) many zoo animals today were born in captivity, they do not wish to (lead) the life of their wild relatives. The (falsity) of this argument, however, is easy to (see): have the children of human slaves no interest in freedom?


(P   ) such critics (   ) the importance of zoos is not our intent. Every individual must (   ) carefully the balance between the moral rights of animals and our own responsibilities to protect and care (   ) them.

(Persuading) such critics (of) the importance of zoos is not our intent. Every individual must (weigh) carefully the balance between the moral rights of animals and our own responsibilities to protect and care (for) them.



The two dogs (   ) (t   ) each other immediately and started to play.

The two dogs (took) (to) each other immediately and started to play.


Assistance in suicide means (k   ) and (i   ) providing a person (   ) the knowledge or means or both required to commit suicide, including counselling about (l   ) doses of drugs, prescribing such (l   ) doses or supplying the drugs.

Assistance in suicide means (knowingly) and (intentionally) providing a person with the knowledge or means or both required to commit suicide, including counselling about (lethal) doses of drugs, prescribing such (lethal) doses or supplying the drugs.


Sadly, the case of chimps is (   ) (f   ) (e   ). The main reason people pay money to visit zoos is to see big, (e   ) animals.

Sadly, the case of chimps is (far) (from) (exceptional). The main reason people pay money to visit zoos is to see big, (exotic) animals.


True, conditions inside zoos can never (d   ) those of nature. Yet the conditions animals experience in captivity, (   ) artificial, are (   ) wholly negative to their (w   ). In the wild, many animals (s   ) from predation, hunger and disease. In zoos they have none of these worries.

True, conditions inside zoos can never (duplicate) those of nature. Yet the conditions animals experience in captivity, (though) artificial, are (not) wholly negative to their (wellbeing). In the wild, many animals (suffer) from predation, hunger and disease. In zoos they have none of these worries.



Analysts believe that the healthy results can be (a   ) to an increase in trade (   ) (   ) (   ) interest rate fluctuations.

Analysts believe that the healthy results can be (attributed) to an increase in trade (as) (opposed) (to) interest rate fluctuations.


Physicians are (u   ) (r   ) to (i   ) requests for euthanasia or assistance in suicide because these acts are (i   ) in most countries and are prohibited in most medical codes of (e   ).

Physicians are (understandably) (reluctant) to (implement) requests for euthanasia or assistance in suicide because these acts are (illegal) in most countries and are prohibited in most medical codes of (ethics).


however, a recent (i   ) of the Washington Zoo, begun after two pandas were accidentally poisoned, found that these deaths were not mainly the (f   ) of the zoo’s staff. (I   ), the final report concluded that the problems “(s   ) from the (n   ) of zoos themselves.”

however, a recent (investigation) of the Washington Zoo, begun after two pandas were accidentally poisoned, found that these deaths were not mainly the (fault) of the zoo’s staff. (Instead), the final report concluded that the problems “(spring) from the (nature) of zoos themselves.”


(D   ) the attention that zoo opponents (   ), the public continues to support zoos. Hundreds of millions of people visit them every year. People (   ) zoos more than other (i   ) (   ) their scientific efforts to protect animals.

(Despite) the attention that zoo opponents (attract), the public continues to support zoos. Hundreds of millions of people visit them every year. People (value) zoos more than other (institutions) (for) their scientific efforts to protect animals.


Which scene in the Infinity Castle chapter is Mr Higashi most looking forward to? Answer in Japanese, using approximately 20 characters.



The rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide does not mean that (   ) can do nothing for the patient with a life-threatening illness that is at an (a   ) stage and (   ) (w   ) curative measures are not appropriate.

The rejection of euthanasia and assisted suicide does not mean that (physicians) can do nothing for the patient with a life-threatening illness that is at an (advanced) stage and (for) (which) curative measures are not appropriate.