French & Indian War
After the French & Indian War
Events, Events
American Revolution

What was the cause of the French and Indian War?

The French began building forts on disputed land and the British saw this as an act of war.


What was the Proclamation of 1763?

All lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River would be reserved for Native Americans.


Why was a boycott a good form of protest against the taxes?

A boycott was a good form of protest because if colonists do not buy British goods then they do not pay the taxes.


Explain what happened at the Boston Massacre.

Colonists were making fun of the British soldiers, pushing toward the soldiers, and the British soldiers fired on colonists. Five colonists were killed.


Name the location of the first two battles of the American Revolution.

Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts


What countries fought each other during the French & Indian War?

France and Great Britain


Why did Parliament pass new tax laws for the colonists after the French & Indian War?

New tax laws were passed to help pay off the French & Indian War.


What was the main purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?

To write letters to inform other colonists about what is happening in other colonies.


Describe the event that took place on December 16, 1773.

Boston Tea Party: 150 members of the Sons of Liberty dressed like Mohawk Indians boarded British ships and threw more than 300 chests of tea in the Boston Harbor.


List these events in correct order: Boston Massacre, Stamp Act, Intolerable/Coercive Acts, Sugar Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Tea Party

Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable/Coercive Acts


How had the British been trained to fight in the war?

The British fought in open fields and in rows & columns.


Explain what was taxed under the Sugar Act.

sugar and molasses


What was taxed under the Townshend Acts?

glass, paper, paint and tea


What did Parliament do to punish the Massachusetts colonists after the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament passed new laws to punish the colonists.


Why were the battles of Lexington and Concord important?

Lexington and Concord are seen as the first two battles of the American Revolution.


In what way did the French fight differently than the British?

The French fought more like Native Americans; behind rocks, from up in trees, and behind rocks, and in ditches.


What was taxed under the Stamp Act?

newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards


Name two ways the colonists protested the Townshend Acts.

boycotting, protesting, refuse to paint their houses, made their own tea


Describe the Coercive or Intolerable Acts.

1. closed the Boston Harbor 2. no meetings of the legislature 3. quarter British soldiers


Name the two men that rode through Lexington and Concord warning that the "British are Coming".

Paul Revere and William Dawes


What was the effect of the French losing the French & Indian War?

The French lost nearly all of their lands in North America.


What does "no taxation without representation" mean?

"No taxation without representation" means that it is unfair for Parliament to tax the colonists without them having a representative in Parliament.


What did colonists do to protest the Tea Act?

Colonists would boycott tea and make their own tea.


What did the petition sent to King George III by the First Continental Congress ask for?

It asked for the colonists to have their basic rights as British citizens.


What does boycott mean?

To boycott means to refuse to buy goods