The first high priest of the Israelites.
Aaron (Exodus 4:14)
An event when God separated people by changing their language
Tower of Babel
god is love
1 john 4:8
how many fishes and loaves fed
5 loaves and 2 fishes
Gideon won over the midianites with just how many men
The 4th son of Jacob
Dan (Genesis 30:1-6)
event when God called out first to Moses
Burning Bush
one-third of Moses life was spent in this place
turned into snake when it dropped
place where Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven
Mount Carmel
The father of David
event when there appeared elias with moses talking with Jesus
The transfiguration
God relented sending fire to this place because of how many righteous people in the place
when cutting the tree, this fell into the water and it floated
ax head
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
Visited Solomon and gave gifts to him
Queen of Sheba
even when God said "this is my son in whom i am pleased"
baptism of Jesus
the land of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God was also called the land of
land of milk and honey
a symbol of God's covenant
he rebelled against his father and was killed by the father's commanding officer
The wife of Ananias. struck dead with her husband for lying
the curse event behind the colorful cloak
Joseph sold by his brothers
the _____ of the lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end
steadfast love
what did the woman lose and found
place of skull outside the walls of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified