DFPI Divisions/Programs
DFPI Functions
Movies (Quotes)
Social Media
Food and Drink

In general, any person engaging in the business of making or brokering consumer and commercial loans as a finance lender or broker in CA is required to obtain a license under this law.

What is the California Financing Law (CFL)


A “lighter touch” process to authorize companies to engage in conducting business in CA.

What is Registration


"May the Force be with you."

What is Star Wars


This social media platform is used mostly for professional networking and job hunting.

What is LinkedIn


This popular cereal brand was introduced in 1941, but the popular “Honey Nut” version was not introduced until 1979.

What are Cheerios


“Payday loans” are regulated under this law.

What is the California Deferred Deposit Transaction Law (CDDTL)


DFPI is this type of agency, which I guess makes us superheroes in the financial services world.

What is Consumer Protection


“I’ll be back!”

What is The Terminator


This popular social media app allows users, mostly young people, to create short-form videos often involving singing and dancing.

What is TikTok


This old school cartoon character was used to try to get kids to eat their vegetables, particularly spinach.

Who is Popeye The Sailorman


Western Union and MoneyGram are companies that are licensed under this law.

What is the Money Transmitters Act


If anyone wants to “tattle-tail” on a licensee or registrant, they can do this by mail, but online is recommended and preferred.

What is submit/file a complaint


“My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get.”

What is Forrest Gump


This app is commonly used for communication when your children participate in youth sports but watch out for those scammers and fraudsters.

What is WhatsApp


A mixture of lemonade and iced tea is named after this legendary professional golfer.

Who is Arnold Palmer


This program suffered a huge loss when NCP gained its first FIM.

What is the Office of Credit Unions


Most DFPI licensees and registrants are required to do this once a year, typically by March 15th, which allows the department to gather good industry information.

What is file an annual report


“Say hello to my little friend.”

What is Scarface


A person on social media with a significant following who can impact consumer choices.

What is an “influencer”


A “pink lady” is one of many types of this fruit.

What is an apple


Responsible for analyzing legislation, promulgating regulations, and responding to requests for interpretive opinions from licensees and the public.

What is the Legal Division


Involves continuous use of multiple data sources and methods to identify, understand, and track developments in the financial landscape, including trends in consumer risks and behavior.

What is Market Monitoring


“You shole is ugly.”

What is the Color Purple


Tom Anderson co-founded this social media network site in 2003, and it was once the largest in the world.

What is MySpace


A turtle candy is commonly made out of three (3) ingredients: Caramel, chocolate, and this.

What are pecans