When in Rome
Famous Leaders
Byzantine or Bust
Big Brother
Gr8 Skizm

A place containing previously independent countries or territories with a diverse set of people is called a(n)



This leader was famous for being a strong military general, and for being a Dictator in Ancient Rome.  He was later assassinated by his own Senators.

Who is Julius Caesar


The name of the language that the Byzantines spoke

What is Greek?

This is the name for a government in which citizens have the right to vote and elect officials.  In the early stages of the Roman Empire it was the standard.

What is a Republic?


The word schism's definition

What is split or division?


These wealthy families, were few in number, but great in power.

What are Patricians?


This Byzantine Emperor dreamt of restoring Rome into their empire, he also managed to increase the size of the Byzantine's empire.  He collected a law code.

Who is Justinian


The name of the church of the byzantine empire.

What is the Eastern Orthodox Church


Women in Ancient Rome did not have the right to do this.

What is vote?


The pope having authority over the church was not accepted in the East, where the Eastern Romans believed this man held the power over the church.

Who is the Eastern Roman Emperor?


These peoples made up the greatest number of Roman citizens, typically of lower social status

What is Plebians?


This leader moved the capitol of the western Roman empire to Constantinople.

Who is Constantine?


The highest leader of the Church in the Byzantine Empire.

Who is the patriarch?


The Three Branches of the Roman Republic

What are the assemblies, the senate, and the magistrates?

These church did not allow their priests to marry.

What is the Roman Catholic Church?


Major conflict, without outside influence, between groups or people within in a state

What is a civil war?


This General and Emperor won the early civil war that tore apart the republic.  He also made the empire more stable by fighting corruption, and gave soldiers better pay.  When his son became emperor it signalled the end of Rome as a republic.

Who is Augustus?


The name of the special weapon used by Byzantines to fight invaders by sea

What is Greek Fire?


This power was used to strike down a action or law of the government

What is a veto?


These men believed that the use of icons in the Church was bad, and destroyed any statues or icons

What is Iconoclasts?


A unit of a Roman Army, made up of 4500 - 6000 soldies

What is a legion?


The wife of Justinian

Who is Theodora?


Attacks from Barbarians, or outsiders such as the Goths, Huns, and Germans, weakened the armies.

Civil wars caused havoc to internal Pax Romanas, or Peaces,

the Empire was split, due to its size, and influences of religion.

What are reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire?


These powerful, but of low social status, men could veto any law, in order to protect the Plebs

What are Tribunes?


These are the two languages that 1st, Rome, and 2nd, Constantinople, spoke in church.

What is Latin (Rome) and Greek (Constantinople)?