The Greeks’ understanding of the universe at that time was based on ____?
What is tradition?
Aristotle categorized the four elements using two qualities? __/__ and __/__
What is Hot/Cold and wet/dry?
A pointer or style was fixed at the center of the hemisphere in the _____?
What is sundial?
In ancient Greek societies astronomy was significant due to it being intertwined deeply with their ____?
What is mythology?
Greek Astronomers were ____ to the Astronomical field?
What is late?
The tip of the pointer’s shadow traced an arc across the surface of the ___.
What is hemisphere?
Ancient Greek Astronomy as well as these tools set the _____ for modern astronomy.
What is Groundwork?
____ are a concept introduced in astronomy that convey the complexity of paths for planets?
What is Epicycles?
The ______ ______ is the oldest known advanced scientific instrument, dating to around 150–100 BC?
What is Antikythera Mechanism?
The Greeks believed in a universe made of ____ and ___?
What is celestial and terrestrial realms?
Ptolemy of Alexandria, the last great ancient astronomer, compiled previous astronomical knowledge in his work "_____ ____" and developed a highly accurate geocentric model of the solar system
What is "The Almagest"?
____ and ____ are known to have created similar astronomical devices before the Antikythera Mechanism?
What is Archimedes and Posidonius?
Greek word astronomia, meaning ___ ___ ___ ___?
What is "laws of the stars."?
Aristotle mentioned mathematicians calculated Earth’s circumference to be ____ stades, which was close to the correct value?
What is 400,000?
The ______ _____ is a model that represents the celestial sphere with rings that correspond to major circles in the sky.
What is Armillary Sphere?