This concept, created by Joseph Nye, refers to achieving goals through attraction rather than coercion
Soft Power
The 2017 GCC blockade against Qatar was initiated by these four countries
KSA, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt
Hosting this major global event in 2022 showcased Qatar’s infrastructure and culture
FIFA World Cup
In 2020, Qatar mediated this agreement between the U.S. and the Taliba
Doha Agreement
Qatar is accused of destabilizing the Arab region through its support of groups like these
Hamas and the Muslim brotherhood
Name the three main components of soft power
Culture, political values and foreign policy
Oil was discovered in Qatar during this decade, driving its economic growth
This education initiative in Doha hosts international universities such as Georgetown and Cornell
Education City
Qatar pledged over $1 billion for reconstruction in this region between 2014 and 2020
Qatar faced allegations of corruption in the bidding process for this event
FIFA World Cup
Qatar uses this kind of diplomacy, offering financial aid and investments to influence global affairs
Carrot diplomacy
Qatar achieved full sovereignty and independence in this year
Qatar’s National Vision 2030 aims to reduce dependence on natural resources by diversifying in these sectors
Education, culture and sports
Qatar uses financial aid and investments to resolve disputes and establish alliances. This is called ____
Over-reliance on this natural resource makes Qatar vulnerable to market fluctuations
Natural gas
This influential media outlet, launched in 1996, played a key role in Qatar’s soft power strategy
Before independence, Qatar signed a treaty with this nation in 1916 for protection from Saudi expansion
Qatar's media diplomacy helped it gain influence, but it is often criticized for this
Al Jazeera
Qatar’s mediation led to this agreement during Lebanon’s 2008 political crisis
Doha agreement
Promoting democratic values internationally while maintaining an authoritarian domestic system creates this issue for Qatar
Credibility gap
Qatar's soft power strategy shifted after this major global event in the late 20th century
Cold War
This leader launched Al Jazeera and developed Qatar’s Education City
Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
Qatar used this approach to balance relationships with countries like the U.S. and Iran
To avoid scrutiny of domestic politcics
Qatar’s strategy of balancing relationships with conflicting actors is seen as an example of this type of global role
Neutral peacemaker
Critics accuse Qatar of using this type of "washing" to distract from its human rights issue