Psychiatric Medications
Techniques and terms

It's generic name is Mirtazapine

What is Remeron?


Josh lost his best friend in an auto accident in which the two were returning from a summer long adventure prior to starting college. Josh's friend fell asleep at the wheel, the car crossed the median, and hit an oncoming vehicle, killing him instantly and leaving Josh with some injuries. A month has passed and Josh presents in your office. He reports feelings of grief and loss hitting in waves, in addition to depressed mood, inability to feel interest in any activity he previously enjoyed, difficulty concentrating, thoughts of death, feelings of worthlessness, and a desire to sleep all of the time. Josh lives at home and his mother reports that he appears to be "moving through molasses." He is at risk of losing his job due to multiple unexcused absences, and he is isolating himself from other friends. The best provisional diagnosis for Josh is:

Major Depressive Disorder, severe


A group member shares with another, "You say you can go to the party with your former drinking buddies and just have sodas, but I fear your sobriety is at risk." This is an example of:



One Sunday morning you are attending church and notice a current client sitting a few rows away from you. What do you do?

Do not acknowledge the client unless they acknowledge you


Roe would indicate that an individual who requires immediate gratification for his needs and desires was likely ________  as a child.



It's a beta blocker commonly prescribed for anxiety and panic.

What is Propanolol?


Jack fears others thinking poorly of him. He would rather be alone and feeling calm than in a room full of family who love him because of the anxiety he feels wondering if he will humiliate himself. With the holidays coming, he is concerned about how to beg off some of the larger gatherings because they are just too much to tolerate. Jack knows he will have to endure some time with family and coworkers, but his anxiety makes him wonder if he will be able to get through an evening without fully melting down due to his anxiety. Jack knows a panic attack is the ultimate humiliation, leading to others rejecting him. Jack's presentation is most consistent with:

Social Anxiety Disorder


This term describes when therapist shares the client's perception of helplessness.

Gloom a deux


Your supervisee asks that you provide her with counseling. How do you proceed?

Refer the supervisee out for services


In Kohlberg's earliest stage of pre-conventional morality, what motivates a person to act according to society's moral code?

Fear of punishment


It's generic name is Quetiapine

What is Seroquel?


John is 15 years old and presents with a history dating back approximately 12 months in which he experiences periods of anhedonia, hypersomnia, and feelings of worthlessness, followed by periods of feeling rested after only a few hours and obsessive on-line gaming to the exclusion of all else. The periods frequently alternate. John does not have a significant history of drugs or alcohol, and he prefers sobriety to altered states. John's diagnosis is most consistent with:

Cyclothymic Disorder


Yalom has a list of what he termed "curative factors" or "therapeutic factors" in group psychotherapy. He refers to the environment provided by groups which fosters effective and adaptive communication leading to increased interpersonal skills as the therapeutic factor of:

Development of socializing techniques


Your 15-year-old client reports that he wants to die and has a plan to overdose on pills when he gets home. What is the first step you need to take?

Contact a parent to inform them of the client's report and require a psychiatric evaluation


According to psychologist Diana Baumrind's, which parenting style is characterized by being warm and caring but providing little control, making few demands, and being nonpunitive toward children?



It's a commonly prescribed type of antidepressant

What is an SSRI?


Barry has episodes of panic in which he struggles to catch his breath, his heart pounds in his chest, his hands tingle, and he feels as if he is going to die. These episodes last as long as 20 minutes, and two have resulted in a trip to the emergency room. Barry is terrified he will have another attack at the office or while he is grocery shopping. Barry's symptoms are most consistent with:

Panic Disorder


This occurs when clients projects onto the therapist significant issues from past interactions with meaningful people in their lives



You are a therapist seeing clients in your private practice. What happens to your client records upon your death?

They are kept confidentially by the colleague or records custodian that you have assigned ahead of time


According to Erik Erikson, which psychosocial stage would a 2-year-old child probably face?

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt


They are commonly used supplements used to treat mental health disorders

5 HTP, SAM-e, St John's Wort


Mary Jane is 14, a good student, but presents to the therapist's office with a long history of irritability and quick temper at home. Her parents describe her as always quick to argue any point, no matter how large or small, and defying rules from making her bed to making curfew. Mary Jane's father reports she will not take responsibility for any behavior. For example, he caught her hiding her brother's toys and Mary Jane blamed her brother for leaving them on the playroom floor. Then when she was grounded from the computer, she was found at 2 a.m. talking with friends in a chat room. Mary Jane yelled, "You shouldn't be so mean! Always grounding me so I have sneak just to talk to my friends! You are the bad guys." Mary Jane was so angry about having to get off the computer at 2 a.m. that she hacked into her father's email account and deleted his messages, then threw all of the clean laundry out the window, into the muddy flowerbeds. Mary Jane's presentation is consistent with:

Oppositional Defiant Disorder, mild


What describes the recognition of the shared feelings and the similar experiences members within a group share that validates experiences, removes isolation and raises a sense of self and esteem?



Question: I have several clients in my drug and alcohol agency who are indigent and cannot afford to pay me. Can I put them to work for me in my agency, and trade services with them? Yes or No and what would the term for this be?

No, this would be an example of a dual relationship. Examples of such relationships may include, but are not limited to, familial, social, financial, business, or close personal relationships with the clients.


Barbara's little brother, Bobby, has started to recognize that when Barbara hides behind a couch, she is simply out of sight and is still there behind the couch. What is Bobby demonstrating and which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development is Bobby in?

Object permanence in the Sensorimotor Stage