All living things make ______________ living things
(What is new?)
The two main types of reproduction.
What are asexual and sexual reproduction?)
Reproduction involves ______________ and ______________.
(What are growth and development?
The three major patterns of development in animals.
What are complete metamorphosis, incomplete metamorphosis, and direct development
Gametes are ______________ that are important to sexual reproduction.
(What are cells?)
This is the process of producing new living things
What is reproduction?
Asexual reproduction involves this number of parents.
What is one?)
This is the process of increasing in size.
What is growth
The four stages of complete metamorphosis.
What are egg, larva, pupa, and adult?)
Females produce these gametes.
What are eggs?
In reproduction, ______________ produce new living things called ______________.
What are parents and offspring?
his type of reproduction leads to genetically identical offspring.
What is asexual reproduction?
This is the process where organisms change and become more complex.
What is development
The three stages of incomplete metamorphosis.
What are egg, nymph, and adult?
Males produce these gametes.
What are sperm?
The ability to make offspring keeps a species ______________.
What is alive?
The process of cell division used in asexual reproduction.
What is mitosis
The two ways organisms grow: some grow ______________ while others grow “in ______________.”
What is continuously, stages?
Insects that go through incomplete metamorphosis go through this process to shed their exoskeleton.
What is molting?
The process where an egg and sperm combine.
What is fertilization?
Reproduction does not keep an ______________ alive but sustains the existence of a ______________.
What is an individual, species
This type of reproduction creates more genetic diversity, increasing species survival.
What is sexual reproduction?
In multicellular organisms, cells ______________ and ______________ in order to increase the total size of the organism.
What are divide, enlarge
This type of development results in offspring that look like smaller versions of the adults.
What is direct development?
The number of chromosomes in a human gamete
What is 23?