This is the foundation of friendship in middle childhood, involving mutual respect.
What is trust and loyalty?
Strong friendships can boost this aspect of a child's self-image.
Answer: What is self-esteem?
This factor often determines initial friendships as it makes interaction easier.
Answer: What is proximity?
This type of bullying involves physical harm like hitting or pushing.
Answer: What is physical bullying?
This is the process of managing and controlling one's emotions healthily.
Answer: What is emotional regulation?
Friendships in middle childhood often revolve around these, providing opportunities for bonding.
What are shared interests?
Peer relationships can enhance this by providing motivation and support.
Answer: What is academic performance?
These are crucial for building and maintaining friendships, including communication and empathy.
Answer: What are social skills?
Using technology to bully someone is known as this.
Answer: What is cyberbullying?
A strategy involving focusing on the present moment to reduce stress.
Answer: What is mindfulness?
This aspect of friendship involves understanding others' feelings.
Answer: What is empathy?
This type of development involves learning how to communicate effectively and work in teams.
Answer: What is social development?
This personality trait might make it easier to initiate friendships, but it's not the only path to forming them.?
Answer: What is being outgoing
This type of bullying includes spreading rumors or excluding someone from a group.
Answer: What is social bullying?
This coping mechanism includes activities like art or writing to process emotions.
Answer: What is creative expression?
Children learn this skill through friendships by practicing compromise and negotiation.
Answer: What is conflict resolution?
Friendships help children learn to manage these, leading to better coping mechanisms.
Answer: What are emotions?
Parents can influence this by providing opportunities for social interaction and modeling behavior.
Answer: What is friendship formation?
Bystanders can play this role by stepping in to help the victim if it's safe.
Answer: What is intervene?
This unhealthy coping mechanism involves using substances to escape problems.
Answer: What is substance abuse?
Friendships offer a safe space for children to practice these skills, which include communication and assertiveness.
Answer: What are social skills?
A key benefit in academic development from peer support is the enhancement of these skills.
Answer: What are problem-solving and critical thinking skills?
A visual tool used to analyze and understand social relationships is called this.
Answer: What is a social network diagram?
Schools can foster this type of climate to prevent and address bullying.
Answer: What is a positive school climate?
Building this involves setting realistic goals, developing self-awareness, and seeking support.
Answer: What is resilience?