A lesson missionaries teach a friend who is not baptized where a member of the local ward participates. (Hint: Chapter 8 of PMG)
What is a Lesson with a Member Participating?
Yes!! God knows you and cares about you.
You can feel His love many different ways.
You can feel closer to Him through prayer.
Does God know me and care about me? How can I feel His love? How can I feel closer to Him?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture in the Book of Mormon that can answer this question. Then act out how you would share it with a friend who asked these questions to you.
This chapter of Preach My Gospel talks all about the Missionary Purpose.
What is Chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Be the first to recite the Missionary Purpose
The missionary standards say that missionary clothing should be "clean and in good repair". Your button has fallen off in the street as you talked to friends. You are now at home on your Preparation Day. Please present a perfectly sewed on button.
What is a perfectly sewed on button?
This game is a variation of tag that uses pairs of two and is fondly named after representatives of Jesus Christ.
What is Missionary Tag?
BONUS CHALLENGE: 5 minute game of Missionary Tag, the team that is NOT "it" at the end of 5 minutes wins the points.
Often new friends who come to church feel out of place and a little awkward. This is something you can do as a member missionary to help them feel more welcomed.
What is a Member greeting a Friend at church?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Each team will act out a scenario where you greet a new friend at church who you've never seen before. Points awarded for best engagement.
The purpose of life is to prepare to meet God.
What is the purpose of life?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture in the Book of Mormon that answers this question. Then act out how you would share it with a friend who asked you this question.
This chapter of Preach My Gospel helps you to Seek and Rely on the Spirit.
What is Chapter 4 of Preach My Gospel?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture that can help you seek and rely on the spirit in your own life right now. Points for first scripture and explanation.
This skill helps you describe the Word of God to someone you are close to.
How do you explain a scripture to a friend?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture you like, then act out how you would explain it to a friend. Points go to first team.
This game involves acting like a person skilled in the Japanese art of ninjutsu, but instead of chopping off limbs, you simply strike a limb and it is out.
What is Ninja?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Ultimate Ninja tournament! Last person standing wins points for their team.
There are many ways "Youth Can Share the Gospel". This section of the Gospel Library App contains many ideas, which include this first idea.
What is "Listen to someone when they are having a bad day"?
You can be happier in your life by keeping the commandments of God.
How can I be happier in my life?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture in the Book of Mormon that answers this question. Then act out how you would share it with a friend who asked you this question.
This chapter of Preach My Gospel helps you use the power of the Book of Mormon.
What is chapter 5 of Preach My Gospel?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find the quote from President Russell M. Nelson and read it out-loud first.
The missionary standards say that missionary clothing should be "free of wrinkles". Your shirt or skirt has become wrinkled as you sit in lessons all day teaching friends about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are now at home on your Preparation Day. Please present a perfectly ironed shirt or skirt.
What is a perfectly ironed shirt or skirt?
This game involves tangling arms and trying to unravel them without letting go.
What is the Human Knot game?
BONUS CHALLENGE: First team to untangle wins points.
Often, our friends have no idea we belong to a certain church. This is a place you can invite them to that will help them get acquainted with the gospel. (Hint: it occurs before school)
What is Seminary?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Your friend has just asked you if you belong to a religion. Act out how you would explain your beliefs, then invite them to seminary! Points awarded for best engagement.
After you die, you will be resurrected through the power of Jesus Christ! Then you will be brought before Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to be judged according to your works here on Earth.
What happens after I die?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture in the Book of Mormon that answers this question. Then act out how you would share it with a friend who asked you this question.
This chapter of Preach My Gospel helps you to seek Christlike Attributes.
What is Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture that explains one attribute of Christ and explain which attribute it speaks about. Points awarded to first team.
This skill allows you to describe the events surrounding Joseph Smith in only 5 groups of 60 seconds.
How do you teach the Restoration in 5 minutes?
BONUS CHALLENGE: First team to give an example of how to teach the Restoration in under 5 minutes gets the points.
In this game, players draw an item based only on a description from their team.
What is Blind Drawing?
BONUS CHALLENGE: First team to bring a good drawing wins points.
So much of the world's music is not very uplifting. This section of the Gospel Library App has music that you can share with friends at school to help spread the gospel.
What is "Youth Music"?
BONUS CHALLENGE: First team to begin playing an uplifting song from this section wins points.
Bad things sometimes happen to good/innocent people because we live in a fallen world and often imperfect people exercise their agency in unrighteous ways. But when we choose to follow Jesus Christ, we are able to overcome the world through Him.
Why do bad things happen to good/innocent people?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find a scripture in the Book of Mormon that answers this question. Then act out how you would share it with a friend who asked you this question.
This chapter of Preach My Gospel helps you to search the scriptures and put on the Armor of God.
What is Chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Find and read out-loud the quote from M. Russell Ballard. First team wins the points.
This skill allows you to approach an unknown home of an unknown friend and describe what you do as a representative of Jesus Christ.
How do you knock on a door and present yourself as a missionary?
BONUS CHALLENGE: First team to do a good example of a door approach wins points.
In this game, players keep eye contact until one person blinks and loses.
What is a Staring Contest?
BONUS CHALLENGE: Staring Contest Tournament! Last person standing wins points for their team!