How much do hearing aids cost?
$3,000 to $6,000
What type of energy does the Outer Ear collect?
Outter, Middle, Inner
What is an Audiogram?
A graph of the soft sounds you can hear
What diseases affect the spina?
Spinal Meningitis
What are the four different types of hearing aids?
Behind the ear, In the ear, In the canal, and Completely in the canal
What is the purpose of earwax?
Keeps External Auditory Meatus clear/clean, Traps dust, sand particles, micro-organisms, and other debris.
Name the medical terms for then penna, Ear Canal, and Ear Drum?
Auricle, External Auditory Meatus, Tympanic membrane
___- the cause of
___- the study of
Eti and Ology
What genetic cause people to have white forelock and different colored eyes?
Waardenburg Syndrome
Is Cochlear Implants a major surgery?
YES, because you are cutting into the skull
What does the Eustachian Tube do?
-Works as a valve that opens and closes when you swallow and yawn
-Allows for infection to drain to the back of the nose
What is the Semicircular Canals?
Three loops of fluid-filled tubes that are attached to the cochlea
What are the different types of test?
Air Conduction and Bone Conduction
What cause %50 of infants exposed to hearing loss?
Rubella (German Measles)
How much does Cochlear Implants cost?
$40,000 for the surgery and for one ear. More for doctors visits and for the rehabilitation process
What does the Semicircular Canals do?
Full of fluid that affects your balance and when you spin around you lose balance when you get dizzy
What is the nickname for Malleus, Incus, and Stapes?
Hammer, Anvil, and Stirrup
What are some causes of Sensorineural Loss?
Age, Illness, Medicines, Loud Noises and Tumors
What genetic causes the mother's body to make antibodies to attack the fetus's blood?
Rh Incompatibility Disease
What is the earliest you can implanted? In Europe and the United States
Europe: 6 Months
United States: 18 Months (1 1/2 years)
_______ is then changed to _______ (impulses the brain can understand) in the Cochlea
Mechanical Energy, Hydraulic Energy
What are the hairs in the cochlea called?
What is the duck's name?
What diseases can the mother get during pregnancy?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Rubella (German Measles), and Toxoplasmosis