Spanish and the New World
The English Colonies
The King
United States Expansion
Industrial Revolution

This man sailed west and claimed the New World for Spain.

Who was Christopher Columbus?


This colony was the first permanent English colony in North America.

What was Jamestown, VA?


This action by the King to solve England's debt problem caused outrage and protests in America.

What is raised taxes without giving colonies representation?


This example of U.S. expansion double the territory of the country.

What was the Louisiana Purchase?


This area was the site of the United States' first factories.

What is the New England region?


The Spanish were looking for this item when they explored the area of North America called the Borderlands.

What is gold?

He planted tobacco and married Pocahontas.

Woo was John Rolfe?


This document effectively separated England from her 13 American Colonies.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This was the name given to people who rushed west to California after gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill.

Who were the 49'ers?


This machine caused slavery to expand by making it very cheap to produce cotton.

What was the cotton gin?


Columbus landed on these islands, but thought he was in Asia.

What are the Bahamas?


England gained this economic benefit by owning the colonies.

What are markets and a source of trade goods?


This act by Bostonians caused the king to pass the Coercive Acts.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


This agreement was supposed to solve the issue of taking slaves into the new territories by drawing a line that forbade slaves north of a certain latitude.

What was the Missouri Compromise?


Eli Whitney created this type of part that made things much easier to build and repair, thus making manufactured goods cheap.

What is the interchangeable part?


Spain gained control of North and South America after they defeated these two powerful Native American empires.

Who were the Aztecs and Incas?


This is the definition of a joint-stock company.

What are a group of investors who pool their resources to sponsor a project/effort?


This was the Boston-based group that led protests against the King and his policies.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?


This group went to the area known today as Utah seeking religious freedom because they had been persecuted by the citizens of the United States.

Who were the Mormons?


This type of law was passed by congress in order to protect United States' manufacturers and help them to be competitive with foreign countries.

What are tariffs?


What did happened to the American Indians whom the Spanish conquered?

Spain forced American Indians to work as slaves in the gold mines and on sugar plantations.


This 1763 line said the English colonists in America could not settled on land that was Native American.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


This was the name of the King of England at the time of the American Revolution.

Who was King George III?


This was the term for the belief that the United States should conquer and claim all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

What was Manifest Destiny?


This was the source of power for the first factories (mills) in the United States.

What were fast-moving rivers?