I Believe You Have My Staples
Kings and Queens
Revolts and Reformations
Name That Year
This Land is Their Land

THIS was the most important crop in the pre-Columbian Americas.

What is maize or corn?


The guy with the six wives who launched the English Reformation.

Who is Henry VIII?


THIS revolt of native people in modern-day New Mexico was prompted in part by the harsh control measures of the Spanish empire.

What is the Pueblo Revolt?


Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door in THIS year.

What is 1517?


The impressive Mesoamerican capital city Tenochtitlan was located at the present site of THIS city.

What is Mexico City?


THIS staple crop probably saved Jamestown from total failure as a colony.

What is tobacco?


Husband to Isabella and supporter of Columbus.

Who is Ferdinand?


Martin Luther launched the Protestant Reformation in Europe, but THIS French thinker became even more important to the Puritans in England and later in New England.

Who is John Calvin?


The Mayflower landed in Plymouth in THIS year.

What is 1620?


THIS powerful Native American alliance in present-day New York State presided over an extended period of peace in pre-Columbian North America.

What is the Iroquois Confederacy?


THIS staple crop originated in the Americas but eventually became the most important food crop in Ireland, with devastating effects in the nineteenth century.

What are potatoes?


Sister to Elizabeth I who burned a LOT of Protestants at the stake.

Who is Mary I?


Anne Hutchinson allegedly accused Puritan clergy in Massachusetts of preaching a gospel of THIS rather than a gospel of faith or grace.

What is "works"?


The Jamestown settlement was founded in THIS year.

What is 1607?


The Maya and Mexica lived in what's now Mexico, but it was THIS native civilization that lived there first.

Who are the Olmec?


THESE TWO labor-intensive staple crops originated in Asia and made their way to the Americas as part of the Columbian exchange, dramatically increasing the demand for enslaved labor.

What are rice and sugar?


Puritan leaders in the British Parliament launched the English Civil War in 1642 and deposed and later beheaded THIS king.

Who is Charles I?


A wealthy settler in Virginia launched THIS rebellion in backcountry Virginia in the 1670s with support from former indentured servants.

What is Bacon's Rebellion?


St. Augustine was founded in THIS year.

What is 1565?


Pocahontas was the daughter of the leader of THIS powerful Native confederacy.

What is the Powhatan Confederacy?


"Three sisters farming" refers to the practice among many Native American groups of planting three staple crops near each other to mutually fertilize: corn, beans, and THIS.

What is squash?


The Wampanoag ruler Metacomet was known to the English by THIS name.

What is King Philip?


THIS last ever Catholic king of England was bloodlessly removed from the throne in the so-called "Glorious Revolution."

Who is James II?


The printing press was invented around THIS year.

What is 1440?

Compared to the English and the Spanish, French fur traders - also known as THIS - tended to have better relationships with native peoples and frequently intermarried.

What are the coureurs de bois?