Chief officials appointed to be in charge of executive departments who would meet with to advise the president
What is the cabinet?
An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example.
What is a precedent?
What is 6?
He was the first president to be innagurated in DC.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
What are: Impressment, failure to leave forts on the Frontier, Encouragement of Native Americans to attack settlers, Embargo Act, national pride
President during the Era of Good Feelings?
Who is James Monroe?
Four points of the Monroe Doctrine
What are: The US Does not meddle in Europe, Colonization in Americas is over, US will respect established colonies, Europe must not meddle in American countries.
Name the 4 cabinet positions in Washington's cabinet.
What is Secretary of State, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of War and Attorney General?
Supreme Court Case in which the concept of Judicial Review was established.
What is Marbury v. Madison (1803)?
Name at least 4 of the 6 Parts of Hamilton's Debt Plan.
What are: The National Bank, Tariffs, Paying of the National Debt, Currency, Whiskey Tax and the Capital.
Jefferson was afraid he did not have the power to purchase the Louisiana Territory because he was a...
What is a Strict Constructionist?
He asked Congress to declare war on Britain in 1812?
Who is James Madison?
This event was held by Federalists as a place to discuss issues with the War of 1812, an eventually caused their downfall.
What is the Hartford Convention?
cash payments made to Barbary states in order to travel the sees freely.
Washington chooses which two rivals to serve in his cabinet?
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
*And One**
Why did he choose these two when he know they differed so greatly?
Legal prohibition of commerce or the closing of trading ports.
What is an embargo?
Why were Democratic-Republicans against the National Bank?
It wasn't written in the Constitution and it was mostly privately funded.
Jefferson used his power to _____________ to purchase the Louisiana Territory and therefore he felt he didn't violate the Constitution.
What is write treaties?
These southern and western democratic-republics pushed for war against Britain.
Who are War Hawks?
What did Federalists want to happen as a result of the Hartford Convention?
Removing the 3/5ths Compropmise and requiring 2/3 of Congress to add a state to the union.
This president ended all tribute payments to Barbary pirates by winning the Barbary Wars.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The first Secretary of the Treasury
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
What is impressment?
This is how Hamilton got the National Bank approved.
What is the Necessary and Proper Clause?
To deal with continued impressment from Britain and France Jefferson passed the ____________ which stopped all trade with foreign nations.
What is The Embargo Act of 1807?
What is the Battle of York?
What was the Panic of 1819?
The first economic depression in the United States.
These were written in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts and essentially said that states could void federal laws they deemed unconstitutional.
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Washington's policy that would keep the U.S. from taking sides in any European conflict.
What is the Proclamation of Neutrality?
The basic physical systems of a nation. (Ex. roads, canals, bridges...)
What is infrastructure?
What is the Necessary and Proper Clause?
A clause in Article 1 of the Constitution that states that Congress can do whatever is necessary and proper to insure the Federal government runs effectively.
Jefferson's policy meaning a "hands-off" approach to the economy.
What is laissez-faire?
To repay the United State for burning their capital, the British set fire to the Capitol Building and the White House at the Battle of Washington D.C. This lady saved many important artifacts and documents before fleeing to safety.
Who is Dolly Madison?
What were causes of the Panic of 1819?
The whiskey tax was this type of tax.
What is an excise tax?
"Speech" that was published in which Washington gave his countrymen advice as a "departing friend" in which he warned of the downfall of political parties.
What is Washington's Farewell Address?
A tax on imported goods paid by consumers.
What is a tariff?
Hamilton gave up this to get his debt plan approved.
What is the capital in New York City?
The Election of 1800 was the first time political parties has changed in the United States, and in the world and done it without a fight. It has become know as...
What is a Peaceful Transition of Power?
This Battle was fought after the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. Name the Battle and the General who led it.
What is the Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson?
What is Spain ceded Florida to the United States, the United States redefined the western border and Spain gave up its claim to the north-west territory.
Name 3 characteristics of a Federalist