Who is George Washington?
an honest leader, a hero of the Revolution, and the first U.S. president
Who is Alexander Hamiliton?
the first secretary of the U.S. Treasury who wanted to pay the nation’s foreign debt immediately and gradually repay the full value of all bonds
What is the French Revolution?
a rebellion of the French people against their king that led to the creation of a republican government
What are Political Parties?
groups that help elect people and shape politics
Who is Martha Washington?
George Washington’s wife and the First Lady
What is National Debt?
money owed by the United States
What is the Proclamation of Neutrality?
a formal statement that the United States would not take sides with any European countries who were at war
What is the Federalist Party?
a political group that wanted a strong federal government and supported industry and trade
What is a precedent?
an action or a decision that later serves as an example
What is a Bond?
certificates that represent money
What is the Whiskey Rebellion?
an uprising in which some farmers refused to pay the whiskey tax
What is the Democratic-Republican Party?
a political group that wanted to limit the federal government’s powers
What is the Electoral College?
a group of delegates, or electors, who represent the people’s vote in choosing the president
What is a speculator?
people who buy items at low prices in the hope that the value will rise
Who are the "Whiskey Boys"?
the protestors of the Whiskey Rebellion
Who is John Adams?
Federalist president first elected in 1796 who lost the 1800 presidential election
What is the Bank of the United States?
the national bank
What is the Secretary of the Treasury?
the member of the President's Cabinet that deal with the country's money
What is a Farewell Address?
an address made to say goodbye to a person, group of people or nation
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
the first secretary of state who thought that repaying the full value of all bonds would cheat bondholders who had sold their bonds at low prices. Ran for President against John Adams