Early Natives

This was used by natives to come to the Americas

What is the Bering Strait Land Bridge


This man is now considered by most to have been the first European to discover the Americas.

Who is Leif Ericson.


This was the one thing that most explorers were looking for.

What is gold.


This is one item the Spanish brought to the new world to help them get around.  It also completely freaked out the natives. 

What was a horse.


This is the name of Cibola's most common know city.

What was El Dorado


This group of natives settled in the present day area know as the four corners.  These natives were one of the first Americans to utilize irrigation.

Who were the Anasazi


This man sailed from Spain and became the second European to discover the Americas.

Who was Christopher Columbus


Along with gold, Ponce De Leon was also looking for what sacred water source in the Florida region.

What was the Fountain of Youth.


These soldiers were tough and fierce.  There name came from the word conquer and that is what they did to the new world. 

Who were the conquistadors


This invention was used to help the native people of the north navigate the frigid waters of the artic

What is a Kayak


This Native American tribe settled in the eastern part of the United States.  They were know for their prolific trade routes and engineering skills.

Who were the Mound Builders


This was the year that Columbus attempted to find a passage west to India

What was 1492


Esteban survived a shipwreck and then saved a native chiefs son.  Esteban was given the opportunity to see these fabled cities of gold.  He continued to look for them the rest of his life to no avail.

What was Cibola


The conquistadors had this as a secret weapon.  It was actually the most deadliest weapon.

What were disease. Also accept Small Pox


Members of the Anasazi tribe used these rooms for their religious ceremonies.

What were Kivas


This native American group were probably some of the last to come to America.  They found success in the frozen north and cut out a way of life living in the artic.

Who were the Inuit.


These were the names of the three ships that Columbus sailed on.

What were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria


This explorer was looking for Cibola, but instead was the first European explorer to see the Grand Canyon and reach as far north as the state of Kansas

Who was Coronado


The Spanish say without this their colonies would have failed.

What was the Columbian Exchange


The father of Leif Ericson

Who was Eric the Red


This is the reason these first hunters came to North America.

What is following the food.


This was the prearranged "Signal" that Columbus and his men decided they would do if land was spotted.

What was firing a cannon.


This Explorer is credited with being the first to circumnavigate the globe.  However he died before making it back, but his crew continued and completed the journey.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan


Spain's new colony used a lot of creativity in the naming of the colony that is today known as Mexico City

What is New Spain


This was the first European colony in America although Leif Ericson chose not to stay here.

What was Vinland