New England Colonies
Colonial Powers
Famous "Indians"
Christian Groups
Tribes of the Northeast

The "pilgrims" of this colony fled religious persecution in England and allied with the Wampanoag Massassoit Ousemaquin.

What is Plymouth Colony?


This kingdom had positive relations with many "Indian" tribes; in addition to Quebec and Montreal, they controlled Vermont and northern Maine.

What is France.


This Powhatan girl advocated for the English to be allowed to stay in Jamestown, only to be kidnapped later by the English and die soon after. Not exactly the life of a 'Disney Princess'

Who is Pochahontas?


This powerful Christian church, led by the bishop of Rome (the pope), dominated western Europe for about 1,000 years.

What is the Catholic church?


This "M" tribe gave their name to a bay that gave its name to a colony that gave its name to our state.

Who are the Massachusett?


The Puritan settlers of this colony based in Boston aggressively expanded throughout New England. 

What is the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


This island kingdom had several failed settlements like Roanoke before they managed to create the successful colony of Jamestown in 1607.

What is England?


This Wampanoag man used his English-speaking skills he had picked up as a slave to teach the pilgrims how to fish and farm more effectively.

Who is Squanto?


This diverse group of Christian denominations, led by figures like John Calvin and Martin Luther, began to break away from the Catholic church in protest starting in the 1500s.

What/who are Protestants?


This "W" tribe, led by Ousemaquin, was the most powerful tribe in Southern New England.

Who are the Wampanoag?


A colony that served as a haven for outcasts from the surrounding Puritan colonies, begining with Roger William's settlement of Providence.

What is Rhode Island? (500 bonus points for the official name: Rhode Island and Providence Plantations)


This kingdom was infamous for its brutal, exploitative treatment of "Indians"; though they claimed all of America, they only controlled Florida.

What is Spain?


This chief of the Wampanoag made an alliance with the Plymouth settlers that led to the "first Thanksgiving".

Who is Massassoit. (500 bonus points for his real name: Ousemaquin)


Members of this Calvinist group dominated the early Massachusetts Bay Colony; they wanted to purify the Anglican church of Catholic influence.

Who are Puritans?


This "M" tribe was closely allied with the Dutch and known for being fierce warriors; they lend their name to a bold haircut

Who are the Mohawk?


The two northern colonies of New England founded by the Council for New England, with anarchist tendecies that made enemies of the Puritans

What are New Hampshire and Maine?


Companies based out of this tiny, wealthy country founded New Amsterdam in what is today New York City.

What is the Netherlands?


This chief from what is today Alabama fought against the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto.

Who is Tuscaloosa.


This Calvinist group, which the "pilgrims" belonged to, wanted to break away completely from the Anglican Church and form their own communities.

Who are the Seperatists (or Brownists)?


This "P" tribe rebounded from the Mystic Massacre and a terrible genocide to become very wealthy today through their ownership of a popular casino.

Who are the Pequot?


The wealthy founders of this colony wanted to be the purest of the Puritans and create a merchant empire for themselves in the New World.

What is New Haven Colony?


This penninsula wasn't a country yet and never had any colonies in the New World, but England, France, and (most famously) Spain hired people from there as some of the earliest explorers of the New World.

What is Italy?


A close friend of the French who got to visit the king of France, this Iroquois chief accidentally named the country of Canada.

Who is Donnaconna.


This Christ-inspired order of Catholic monks successfully converted many "Indians" in New France to Christianity. 

Who are the Jesuits.


This "H" tribal confederation was an advanced, democratic Iroquois government, including the Mohawk, the Onandoga, and the Cayuga.

Who are the Haudenosaunee?