Facts about both wars
Causes of the Revolutionary War
Events of the Revolutionary War
Causes of the War of 1812
Events of the War of 1812

The song that was written during the War of 1812.

What is the Star Spangled Banner?

What is the National Anthem 


The war that caused Britain to be in immense debt.

What is the French and Indian War?


The first battle of the Revolutionary War.

What is the battle of Lexington and Concord? 


Where Britain was kidnapping American sailors and forcing them to serve in their navy.

What is Impressment?


The last battle of the War of 1812

What is the Battle of New Orleans?


What is the type of warfare that Britain used during the Revolutionary War?

What is Gentleman's War 


An Act from the British government that taxed newspapers, playing cards, and legal documents.

What is the Stamp Act?


The battle that caused France to ally with the United States.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


The war that caused Britain to start the practice of Impressment and enforce trade restrictions.

What are the Napoleonic Wars?


America's strategy for invading Canada. 

What is seizing ports and railways?


A cause of the Revolutionary War that in today's time cost about 4 million dollars.

What is the Boston Tea Party? 

The Act that taxed tea and led to conflict in Boston.

What are the Townshend Acts?


The place where Washington had his army camped out during winter and trained to become a fighting force. 

What is Valley Forge?


Laws that were made by the British government that required all neutral ships to stop at British ports for inspection and pay taxes.

What is The Orders In Council?


The famous building was burned down during a British attack. 

What is the White House?


The army who shot the first shot at the battle of Lexington and Concord?

What is it's a mystery?


The Act that took away power from Boston and was the final straw for the colonists. 

What are the Intolerable Acts? 


The treaty that officially ended the war and granted the U.S. with more territory. 

What is the Treaty of Paris? 


Because this treaty was not clear on the issue of U.S. and Canadian borders, Americans and British citizens and troops in Canada often came into conflict with each other.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


The reason that America's plan to invade Canada failed.

What is Canadian Unity, Terrain Issues, Lack of American Unity or British Power?


A spy tactic used by George Washington to get messages past redcoats.

What is writing a message within a hard-boiled egg?


A conflict that ended with five colonists dead and was a major factor in starting the American Revolution. 

What is the Boston Massacre? 


The battle where the Continental Army aimed to trap the British troops and seal off their escape.

What is the Battle of Yorktown? 


This group was extremely furious about British Impressment and urged Congress to go to war with Britain.   

What are the War Hawks?


The person who led the colonists in the battle of New Orleans

Who is Andrew Jackson?