Authors and Native American Groups
Unit One Facts
Hodge Podge

author Of Plymouth Plantation

Who is William Bradford?


to locate and record evidence in a text

What is cite?


This story featured animals and the first man and woman.

What is The Navajo Origin Legend"?


A debatable point of view based on the chosen subject that the writer expresses and then supports with evidence from the text.

What is theme?


Maria is summarizing an article she read for science class. What information should she include in her summary?

A)She should state her opinion of the article.

B)She should state the main idea of the article.

C)She should list all of the sources used in the article.

D)She should list unimportant details that are unrelated to the main idea .

Who is B)She should state the main idea of the article?


He is a founding father featured on the $100 bill.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


evidence that is directly stated in the text

What is explicit evidence?


Identify the story based on this excerpt:

He nodded as she finished telling her dream. “My wife,” he said, “I am sad that you had this dream. It is clearly a dream of great power and, as is our way, when one has such a powerful dream we must do all we can to make it true.

What is "The World on Turtle's Back"?


Excerpt from A Day at the Beach by Rob Baur

Because Lola's family invited Emma to join them on their annual trip to the ocean, Lola and Emma—who were best friends—were thrilled about their upcoming vacation at the beach. On the day of the trip, Lola, her family, and Emma packed the car and drove toward the shore. The drive was long, and they didn't reach the beach until it was already dark. It was difficult to see, and Lola's father passed the hotel and had to turn around. Finally, Lola's family reached their destination. Exhausted from their trip, they all went to sleep as soon as they arrived. 

Why did Lola's father pass the hotel?

A)was thinking about Jake and Matt's sandcastle.

B)It was difficult for him to see because it was dark.

C)He was distracted because the car was uncomfortable.

D)The sun was bright, making it difficult for him to see.

What is B)It was difficult for him to see because it was dark?


this group of people sailed on the Mayflower and founded Plymouth Plantation in 1620

Who are the Pilgrims?


He served as governor of Plymouth for over 30 years. 

Who is William Bradford?


evidence that is not directly stated in the text

What is implicit evidence?


_____ these items: names of people, places and things; titles or roles; names of books and plays

What is Capitalize?


The theme of Romeo and Juliet is not "love". What is a theme Shakespeare is trying to say about "love"?

What is Love conquers all (hate)?


a place occupied by settlers

What is a colony?


They believe the world started on a turtle's back.

Who are the Onondaga people?


another name for the main idea of a text typically found in nonfiction works

What is central idea?


Identify the story based on the excerpt below:

"Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean."

What is "Of Plymouth Plantation"?


Excerpt from At the Earth’s Core

Together we stepped out to stand in silent contemplation of a landscape at once weird and beautiful. Before us a low and level shore stretched down to a silent sea. As far as the eye could reach the surface of the water was dotted with countless tiny isles—some of towering, barren, granitic rock—others resplendent in gorgeous trappings of tropical vegetation, myriad starred with the magnificent splendor of vivid blooms. 

Which statement BEST reflects the human experience that is represented in this excerpt?

A)Humans desire to control nature.

B)Humans are frightened by nature.

C)Humans are fascinated by nature.

D)Humans cannot understand nature.

What is C)Humans are fascinated by nature?


this first legal document of the New World was written to establish laws and order in Plymouth Colony

What is the Mayflower Compact?


They believed the world was created by a sky god who lived on Mt. Shasta.

Who are the Modoc People?


to state the main points of a text

What is summarize?



The Pilgrims ____ to America in 1620. They ___ from ____, England hoping to freely worship in a new place. Their _____ and _____, both common topics for theme, made their experiences historical. 

What is immigrated, emigrated, perseverance and determination?


In which point of view is Of Plymouth Plantation written? Why did the author choose this perspective?

What is thrid-person. He wanted to convey the experience as a shared one?


Read the excerpt below and identify the following:

Being after some time of entertainment and gifts dismissed, a while after he came again, and five more with him, and they brought again all the tools that were stolen away before, and made way for the coming of their great Sachem


Person referred to

The occasion

Who is William Bradford, Squanto, and the establishment of their laws/alliance?