What decades did the Puritans come over?
1620's and 30's
Name the male Puritan Poet.
Edward Taylor
Want planet is brought up in: "The light of Stars"
What was one of his pen names?
Crayon, Knickerbocker
Name something else he wrote besides "The Scarlet Letter."
What did the Puritans bring over with them even thought they were heavy?
Name the first new world poet.
Anne Bradstreet
Finish this: "The Wild ______________."
Known as?
Why does he have a "w" in his name?
Great Great Grandfather was in the Salem Witch Trials.
Describe the Law that created public schools
Every 50 households
Who was freed because of her poetic ability?
Phillis Wheatley
What does Excelsior mean?
Onwards and Upwards
What did he invent?
The Modern Short Story
Give me the title of the first chapter of "The Scarlet Letter."
The Prison-Door
This was the biggest industry before the Puritans came over.
Beaver Fur
Who was our fireside poet?
(2 parts) What poem is this line from: "Hath all on Nothing set, lets Nothing fall." And, who wrote it?
"The Preface," Edward Taylor
Rip Van Winkle looks down on this river.
Which President was he best friends with?
Franklin Pierce
Name the man who described that America would be a shinning city on a hill.
John Winthrop
Which poet spent 6 months on a prisoner of war ship?
Phillip Freneau
Besides a fly, what gets in the spider's web?
Where did he get to stay in Spain?
Name the author he mentored and was a friend of.
Herman Melville