The leaders of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans (in that order)
Who is Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?
Mount Vernon, Virginia
What is the state George Washington was from?
The person who was President during the War of 1812
Who is James Madison
What is an Embargo
The year humans landed on the Moon
What is 1969
The party that was in favor of helping the French with their Revolution
What are Democratic-Republicans
"So help me God"
Left after two terms
Established a Cabinet
Mr. President
Chief Foreign Diplomat
What is examples of precedents?
The territory the War initially consisted of America's attempts to take
French secret agents asked American diplomats for a bribe and a loan
What is the XYZ Affair?
The number of weeks in a year
What is 52
Party who did not trust the common man to govern
What are Federalists
The political party Washington publicly belonged to
What is a trick question! He didn't belong to any publicly!
The group of people who aided the British during the War
What are Native Americans
Statement by the 5th President that Europe would not intervene in the Western Hemisphere
What is the Monroe Doctrine
The current Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
Who is Justice John Roberts?
The party that wanted to combine individual state's debt into one national debt
What is the Federalist Party?
Left two warnings when he left the presidency. One was to avoid forming political parties and the other was......
What is a policy of neutrality or isolationism
These were the 3 main effects of the War of 1812. 100 points per effect, 400 if you get them all
What is the Canadian border was settled, Americans gained a sense of national pride, and that the US earned international respect.
Sent a fleet of Warships to the Mediterranean and paid for the ransom when one of the ship's crews were captured.
The last 10 words of The Star-Spangled Banner
What is "land of the free and the home of the brave"
The party that believed in keeping government small and local
What is the Democratic-Republican Party
Sent 13,000 troops to crush it
How did George Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?
The side who won the War
What is a trick question! Neither side really won but Americans considered it a victory....
Proposed an embargo that he hoped would be painful for France and Great Britain
What is Jefferson's action when Britain and France would not leave American ships alone
The spelling of my last name
What is McDonough