Pop Culture
University (Undergrad)
Military (Rookie)
University + Military (Difficult)
University +
Military (Difficult)

This Person recently did the thing. 

Who is Angela Bassett. 


David Sewell attended this university from 1986-1990.

University of Southern California.


Hilary Duff stars in this 2002 hit where she attends a military bootcamp

Cadet Kelly


"Goose," "Jester," "Hollywood," and "Wolfman" are nicknames of some flying military bros in what 1986 movie that recently had a remake?

Top Gun


On December 1st, 1959, a dozen nations around the world signed a treaty declaring which continent a no-military zone that would be used mainly for scientific research?

A. Antartica

B. Africa

C. Australia


North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm

What are Kim Kardashian's Kids Names?


Oprah graduated from this university in 1986.

A. Princeton University

B. Tennessee State University

C. University of Maine

D. Mississippi State University


Who leads military recruitment at Westrock?

A. Jennifer Coolidge

B. Jennifer Lopez

C. Jennifer Allen

D. Jennifer Anniston


What North Carolina military base, home to 260,000 people and more than 50,000 active servicemen, is the world's largest?

Fort Bragg


This university has the largest living alumni base with over 673,000 alumni. 

A. University of Phoenix

B. Penn State

C. Indiana University

D. University of Michigan


Michael Jackson is referred to as.....

Which musician was known as the “King of Pop”?


"Rodney the Ram" is the mascot of this Core Campus University

Virginia Commonwealth University


Semper fidelis, Latin for “always faithful,” was adopted as the motto of which U.S. military service in 1883?

A. Navy Seals

B. Marine Corps

C. Army


What is the only branch of the U.S. military to share a name with a best-selling line of Nike sneakers?

A. Nike Nav-e

B. Nike Air Force 1

C. Nike Fly

D. Nike Air Max


In military jargon, if you’re standing at attention and hear “about ______,” you need to make a 180° turn.

A. Attention

B. Here

C. Face

D. Count


Toy Story Was The First What Type of Movie? 

What was the first Disney full-length film that used computer-generated animation?


In 1926 this southern school enrolled about 650 full-time students but of all things, a hurricane nearly put it out of business.

A. University of South Carolina

B. University of Alabama

C. University of Miami, FL


Which branch of the military is actually older than the United States because it was formed by George Washington in 1775, while the U.S. was not established until 1776?

US Army


This beverage was developed at the University of Florida.

A. Powerade

B. LaCroix

C. Gatorade

D. Red Bull


Which Universities make up the "Ivy League?"

A. Brown University, Duke University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University

B.  Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University.

C. Brown University, Duke University, University of California - Berkeley, University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University

D. Boston University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University


Which Harry Potter book was made into two movies instead of one?

A. Sorceror's Stones 

B. Prisoner of Azkaban

C. Deathly Hallows

D. Half Blood Princes


This Core School (that is allegedly among the top 1% of universities worldwide) hosts around 37,500 students, 2,400 faculty, and 6,900 staff per year. (As of 2023),and boasts the wolf pack mascot. 

A) University of Florida

B) University of Kentucky

C) University of Georgia

D.) North Carolina State University


What “C” military rank often refers to an officer who is in charge of a regiment?  

A. Colonel

B. Major

C. Major General

D. Captain


This university established in 1855 is the oldest in the Midwest.

A. Ohio State University

B. Michigan State University

C. University of Chicago

D. University of Wisconsin-Madison


What university has had a student win at every Olympics since 1912?

A. Standford University

B. University of Southern California

C. University of Texas, Austin

D. Yale University