Acronyms and Language and Terms – Oh my!
Hard Facts.
True Colours Strong & Free: Famous 2SLGBTQIA+ Canadians
Policy 713 Says...
Talk About PROUD!
Myth or Fact

Encompassing straight and cisgender supporters as well as those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community who support each other, this term is used to describe someone who actively supports the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

What is an ally?


According to SOGI 123’s most recently published research findings (2023), 62% of 2SLGBTQIA+ students report feeling this at school.

What is unsafe? 


Using wine to explain his character's pansexuality to his friend on Schitt's Creek is just one of this actor and writer's memorable moments on the show.

Who is Dan Levy? 


Section 6.1.4 states, “homophobic/transphobic language, behaviour, or discrimination towards a member of the school environment will not be tolerated and will be immediately reported to the principal or designate.” All members of the school environment – staff and learners – have a right to a this, as outlined in Policy 703.

What is a Positive Learning and Working Environment?


The first ASD-S Middle-Level GSA Day was held in this year.

What is 2017? 


SOGI-inclusive education is about "recruiting" students to be 2SLGBTQIA+


SOGI-inclusive education aims to create understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals. It does not seek to recruit or influence students' sexual orientation or gender identity. Teachers deeply respect and value the unique individual identities of students and work hard to create classroom environments that are inclusive.


Respecting the language people use to self-identify their gender not only fosters and inclusive, supportive, affirming environment, but it can save lives. She/her, he/him, she/they, they/them… all are examples of these.  

What are pronouns?


According to SOGI 123’s most recently published research findings, 64% of all students reported hearing these types of comments daily or weekly at school.

What is homophobic? 


Originally from Alberta, this singer and champion of 2SLGBTQIA+ causes came out as a lesbian in a 1992 article in The Advocate magazine.

Who is k.d. lang?


Section 6.2.2 states, “School principals and school personnel will support the establishment of a this, and will support any events and activities organized by this group”.

What is a GSA, or Gender Sexuality Alliance?


Prior to amalgamation, this former school district was the first to adopt a SOGI Ends Policy.

What is School District 10? 


 SOGI-inclusive education violates parents' rights.


SOGI-inclusive education is meant to complement parents' efforts in teaching essential values of respect and acceptance of all people. It does not undermine parental rights but rather contributes to a greater understanding of diversity and inclusion for all students and families.


SOGI is the acronym for this. We all have them!

What are Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity? 


In a 2015 study, nearly three quarters of these individuals reported no formal instruction on addressing SOGI content in their classrooms.

What are new teachers?


These Juno award-winning twins have a namesake foundation devoted to improving the lives of 2SLGBTQIA+ women and girls.

Who are Tegan and Sara? 


Section 7.2 states, “Where possible, schools are encouraged to provide more than one of these that is accessible at all times.”

What is a universal washroom facility or gender neutral washroom?


Said to “exemplify the principles of equality and inclusion,” this provincial organization received a 2023 New Brunswick Human Rights award.

What is Pride In Education (PIE)?


SOGI-inclusive resources play a pivotal role in addressing fundamental human ideals such as diversity, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.


SOGI-inclusive education is essential for every child.  All students learn about topics such as respect, compassion, and diversity, while more complex topics such as discrimination and injustice may be explored in a developmentally and age-appropriate manner.


In 2SLGBTQIA+, 2S stands for this, and is at front to recognize these people as the first 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

What is Two Spirit? (Two Spirit flag pictured below).


In their 2022 final report entitled Still In Every Class In Every School, Egale, Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and issues, found that 2SLGBTQIA+ Indigenous youth were more likely to report doing this due to feeling unsafe.

What is skipping school?


Detailing his journey to finding peace through gender identity, this Halifax-born, Oscar-nominated actor’s memoir debuted on the New York Times bestseller list earlier this year.

Who is Elliot Page? 


Section 6.2.3 states, “Gender Sexuality Alliance membership does not require this, and privacy and confidentiality will be respected.”

What is parental consent?


Our newly formed ASD-S SOGI Educators Network is supported by this fantastic organization out of British Columbia.

What is the ARC Foundation/SOGI 123? 


SOGI-inclusive education does not promote any specific identity or orientation and is designed to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


SOGI-inclusive education aims to create an environment that revolves around diversity and belonging. It wants to make sure everyone feels represented.


This title is used before a surname or full name to refer to a person of unspecified or non-binary gender.

What is Mx?


In their 2022 final report entitled Still In Every Class In Every School, Egale, Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and issues, found that 79% of trans students who had been the victims of physical harassment reported that teachers and staff were this in addressing transphobic harassment.

What is ineffective?


He is a style icon, a strong advocate for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, a member of the rainbow community, and one half of the ASD-S Equity, Diversity & Inclusion team.

Who is Jay Nickerson?!


Section 6.1.2 states that “All schools will have a designated member of the school environment to act as an advocate for students who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ and their families.” We have been delighted to welcome many folks from your schools – who now have this title - to our newly formed Educators Network.

What is a SOGI Champion or SOGI Lead?


This wonderful person from ASD-S (and in the room today!) chairs the amazing Pride in Education!

Who is Christina Barrington?!


SOGI-inclusive education is not needed because these issues are not relevant to all students.


These issues are relevant to every student. SOGI-inclusive education is intended to promote inclusivity and respect, address issues of discrimination and bullying, and build understanding and empathy among all students. Studies show that having inclusive classrooms and SOGI-specific anti-bullying policies improves the school climate, and reduces discrimination, depression, anxiety, substance use, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts for ALL students. SOGI resources help ensure schools are welcoming for every person and allow teachers to address important topics in a safe and age-appropriate manner.