Which Scribe lost the 116 pages of the book of mormon?
Martin Harris
What year did Joseph Smith experience the first vision?
What was the last place the saints lived before fleeing to Utah
Nauvoo, Illinois
How many siblings did Joseph Smith have
7 Brothers
3 Sisters
What does Nauvoo mean in Hebrew
Beautiful Place
Which of the 3 witnesses was not a scribe for the Book of Mormon?
David Whitmer
How old was Joseph smith when he was finally able to receive the Gold Plates for Translation?
What was the name of the city that had the first temple built?
Kirkland, Ohio
What was the name of Josephs Sibling who died?
Alvin Smith
What caused Joseph Smith to have a limp?
An operation he had as a child to remove a diseased part of his leg bone
How many times did the angel Moroni visit the first night?
How much older was Emma than Joseph?
2 years
What was the last location before the saints couldn't turn back on their trek west?
Winter Quarters
How many children did Joseph Smith and Emma have?
11, 6 died in infancy and two were adopted
How many times was the draft of the Book of Mormon edited from the time of translation completion to its first printing
Who financed the printing of the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris
What year did Joseph Smith formally start the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
6 April 1830
What city did Joseph smith and Hyrum Smith die in?
Carthage, Illinois
Why were Emma's parents against her and Josephs Marriage?
They thought he was a treasure seeker.
After Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic Priesthood which of them was baptized first?
Oliver Cowdery was baptized first, Joseph Second.
What was the name of Joseph Smiths "Body Guard"?
Orrin Porter Rockwell
How old was Joseph when he died?
Name 3 hiding places Joseph used to hide the Gold Plates.
1. Under the Hearth (fire place)
2. In a Log
3. In a Barrel
4. Under the Floor (in copper shop)
5. In the barn loft
6. In a Chest
7. Under the bedcovers
What are at least two reasons Emma did not migrate to Utah?
1.Stability for her children.
2. Disagreements with Brigham Young
3. Her distain for Polygamy practices.
4. Her second marriage.
What song did John Taylor sing in Carthage Jail before Joseph and Hyrum were killed?
A poor wayfaring man of grief