Figurative Language
Mystery 1
Mystery 2

I am used to give a brief pause in a sentence

What is a COMMA?


The man car danced across traffic slowly

What is personification?


 Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

 Harold’s grandmother entertained the families with stories ______ growing up in Africa, explaining the many differences between her life now and her life back then. 

A. about B. within C. between D. throughout

What is about?


I am Blue, my vibes are low I tend to cry from time to time too.

Who is Sadness?


Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

A.Their concern is that that the caterer may not have enough appetizers for everyone there expecting at the party.

B.Their concern is that the caterer may not have enough appetizers for everyone they’re expecting at the party.

C. They’re concern is that the caterer may not have enough appetizers for everyone they're expecting at the party.

D.There concern is that the caterer may not have enough appetizers for everyone their expecting at the party.

What is B ?


Yesterday____ the asked the man when is he bringing cake_____

What is a , and a ?


Aaliyah did a trillion things yesterday.

What is a hyperbole?


Jorge showed to be _______________ towards Bryan after their disagreement

What is magnanimous ?


Kaleb acted in a __________manner in class yesterday

What is waggish?


Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

The mountaineering group _______ looking forward to climbing K2 next year.

A. be

B. are

C. were

D. is

What is D?


Some people like mayo on their hotdogs___ others prefer ketchup

What is a semicolon?

Their skin was bronze.

What is a Metaphor?


Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence. 

Due to library policy, patrons must set cell phones to vibrate and speak ________ in conversation. 

A. quieter B.quietly C. more quieter D. more quiet

What is B. quietly?


I hung around with the ___________ And even though they sold drugs: They showed a young __________________.

What is brother love?


Which of the following sentences uses apostrophes correctly?

A. I want to see Sarahs’ new pet cat. 

B. I’ll marry you the day that pig’s fly!

C.I can’t believe you're wearing those old boots.

D. The cashier said, “Remember that tomorrows the big sale on pumpkin’s!”

What is C ?


I use a _________ when I want to take a hot sec break.

What is a semicolon?


They were loud as lions

What is a simile?


Tyrundra showed to be very__________ about cooking every day as they implemented in the plan.

What is tenacious ?


And Mama made__________ every Thanksgivin'

What is miracles?


Which of the following correctly completes the sentence?

Next year, I _____________.

A. completed my college degree

B. will complete my college degree

C. did complete my college degree

D. completing my college degree

 What is B ?


I cant stand the way they look 

What is an apostrophe between n & t, then an !


Bryan bought brownies from Baraca bakery on 8th at Bridgepoint rd.

What is Alliteration?


She was _______ exhausted than her sister after they ran the marathon. 

A. the more      B.  most      C. more      D. increasingly

What is C


_________ comforted BingBong

Who was Sadness?


Which of the following sets of words should be used to fill in the blanks in the sentence?

It’s important ____ research your essay topic thoroughly so you do not include ____ much irrelevant information.

A. too; to

B too; two

C. to; two

D.to; too

What is D?