This colony was located off the coast of what present day U.S. State?
North Carolina
This Native American woman and chief's favorite daughter developed a positive relationship with the Jamestown colony
This colony was located in what present day U.S. state?
Mr. Blakely served in which branch of the United States Armed forces
The Air Force
This man was not the first to discover the new world, but is sometimes given credit
Christopher Columbus
This was the name of the man who led the first expedition to Roanoke. It is also the current capital city (well half of the name)
Sir Walter Raleigh
This man developed the rule no work=no food
John Smith
The Plymouth colony was founded for what reasons?
Freedom of religion
Mr. Crowley played this sport in college
This Native at Plymouth escaped slavery in Europe and helped translate for the Pilgrims
This was the name of the man who led the second expedition to Roanoke
John White
What current colony/state was Jamestown located in?
The agreement on how the settlers of Plymouth would govern themselves was known as the
Mayflower Compact
Which 8th grade social studies teacher's favorite bill of rights topic is "eminent domain"?
Mrs. Erdei
What area of the "new world" did Columbus actually arrive in?
Re-supply ships were delayed to this colony due to England's war with this European nation
****!!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!!!***
Main ca$h crop of the early colonies
What European country or region did the Plymouth settlers first try going to
Which 8th grade social studies teacher has earned their Doctorate?
Dr. Bramucci
What were European explorers first looking for?
Asia or the Northeast Passage to Asia
This is the only clue as to what happened to the colony. It was carved into a tree or a door (sources vary)
This was the name of the time when the population of Jamestown shrunk from 500 to only 60 settlers
The Starving Time
Someone traveling for religious reasons is known as a
How many jobs did Mr. Blakely have before teaching?
This was the name of Native American Chief at Jamestown