A court case that established the precedent of "judicial review," meaning the Supreme Court has right to declare laws unconstitutional. It did this by ruling that the Judiciary Act, which stated that the Supreme Court could award judges commissions, was unconstitutional.
What was Marbury v Madison?
A shared impact of all three major court cases that supported the Federalist cause.
What is the supremacy of federal governments over states?
A court case that introduced the idea of 'implied powers,' supporting a loose interpretation of the constitution. It said teat the US Congress could open a national bank even though they weren't given that power by the constitution.
What was McCullough vs Maryland?
A court case in 1824 that determined that the federal government was in charge of interstate commerce.
What was Gibbons vs Ogden?
Court case that used the necessary and proper clause to justify its ruling by saying that forming a national bank was necessary now when it hadn't been before.
What was McCullough v Maryland